The Fivehundredandsixth
There was no-one less venal that Peter
Boo WS - the upright and, yes, rather staid Edinburgh solicitor -
whose marriage to a Muslim was the only outrageous incident of his
life - until he had accompanied his unexpected client, Ranulph
Ochan'toshan to the Palace of the Duke of Albany, where somthing
rather untoward had happened to Mr Boo, during which he had been
shackled in a damp and stinking cellar, silent as the grave and,
forby suchlike idiosyncratic crickets, as cold as death itself, by
dint of corybantic acrobatic dexterity - of which he had never
previously been suspected of possessing, he had now escaped not only
the dungeon, but the Palace itself and was scurrying over the hills

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