the Fivehundredandeighth
Which is, of course
how Peter Boo WS found himself huddled in a corner of a basement
room, whispering urgently to the young woman he'd woken up to find
there, while secretly - he hoped - admiring her veritable cleavage;
"what's your name?" he asked, feeling that she looked so

that he ought to know: "Roxy Davidova," she said
and as she did so, he realised that she was the Leader of the
Unionist Party at Holyrood and therefore, of the Opposition in the
Scottish Parliament," and when she looked at him quizzically, he
remembered his manners and said "Boo!" at which she stared
harder at him: "Boo Hoo?" she asked, "if that's meant
to be a joke I'm not amused," and he explained, "no, I'm
Peter Boo, I'm a Solicitor in Edinburgh; where on Earth are we?"
and Roxy sighed: "I hoped you had come to rescue me - that man
is Peter Lorre, the actor, and I think we are in a set for that film
he was in - M! he has the letter scrawled on his back, I don't know
if he realises it," and Boo spoke: "but that was back in
the 1930s wasn't it? and isn't he dead anyway, Peter Lorre?" and
Roxy shrugged, "nothing makes any sense nowadays - so many
people have disappeared and others appeared, I've given up trying
work out what's going on!" she told him how she had been lowered
into the Cavern and fainted when a strange man appeared, then woke up
in this room, and Boo told her of his near-miraculous escape from
Albany Palace and his nocturnal mishap; "gosh!" she said,
"what an exciting life you have!" which caused him to blush
to his roots; "look, he's gone, shall we explore?" and,
cautiously, they opened the door and found themselves in a short
passageway, with a locked door at each end and six doors along the
walls, three on each side; of these, four each opened

into a room
identical to the one they had been sitting in: the rooms were all
furnished identically, with a table, two chairs, a sideboard with a
wash-bowl, and a single bed; the last door was a w/c but there

was no
bath or shower; they checked the contents of the sideboards: in one,
there was a
Gideon Bible; another had a copy of
Kampf, a third contained
Das Kapital and in the fourth
they came across a
First Folio of Shakespeare's Plays which
Boo guessed must be a facsimile as there were only 234 copies known
to exist and their locations were documented; in the drawer of the
room they had started from, there was a long manuscript roll,
handwritten in a hurried, crabbed French which Boo recognised as
Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade; this was the find which,
Roxy observed, excited him the most and she wondered if it was for
the abstract sense of amazement in discovering it here, or from his
real interest in the contents! "we may be Babes im the Wood,"
she observed drily, "but this is no sylvan glade in which we
find ourselves," and Boo looked up from his reading, "alas,
no," he replied, "but if I may say, Ms Davidova, in this
small universe, you are the lucida," and Roxy grinned
mischievously, "if reading De Sade turns an Edinburgh Solicitor
poetic, I'll maybe introduce a Bill to make it compulsory in the
curriculum of Law Students in Scotland," at which Boo looked
just as stricken as Roxy had indeed hoped!
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