Sentence The Sevenhundredandtwentyeighth
Little Levy Balquhidder slept peacefully in his cot, and his Spirit took the opportunity to call upon the Creator and plead for the return of Roxy Davidova from Milan in the Year 1496: "even Columbine has asked for this same favour," said Little Levy's Spirit, "and I know you respect Columbine beyond all measure," and The Creator considered the request – acknowledging that these two Spirits never asked for anything for themselves, were always willing to serve The Creator in every incarnation – and gave Judgement: Roxy Davidova had given exemplary Service and her companions in adversity had shown, by their Stoic acceptance of their lot, and both Peter Boo and Laszlo Licinic had done well to rid that particular era of the presence of the murderously evil Ptarmigan MacFarlane and his familiar, Damien Doubleday, to be Good beyond all Measure, had acted in every wise according to the best precepts of Mankind, as The Creator had intended and would therefore be brought to the Time in which Little Levy's Spirit was presently living; there would be no need of Worm-Holes for to retrace their different journeys would put a strain on their minds and bodies and, as several of them (Peter Lorre, Laszlo Licinic, Unity Mitford, Geli Raubal, Lesley Howard and even the Luddite, Uncle Tom Cobley and all) had peregrinated by circuitous and fragmentary routes that could not be considered safe for re-use, they too would awaken to find themselves in 2017: "not The Best of Times," was The Creator's opinion, "but neither are they The Worst of Times,
so Let It Be!" and when Little Levy woke this morning, his Spirit filled him with such joy and happiness that even his mum and dad, Rilla and Rary, noticed that Springtime had come into their Dear Little Lamb, but when they heard on the Morning News that a group of disparate Travellers had been found asleep in a sheep-fold on the Bowden side of the South Eildon, they never connected it with the bouncy little boy who so delighted them; so two stories dominated this morning: the Time Travellers, who included the Leader of the Unionist Party in Scotland and at Holyrood, and the allegations that the Love Child of Eck Salamander and Ginger Goldfish had somehow turned up in Scotland to tell, in good Scots through a thick Romanian accent that she desperately wanted to be reunited with her birth mother, to live in her "Grannie's Heilan' Hame," and receive all the benefits of Scottish Parentcraft - she was an avid reader of the 'Oor Wullie' and 'The Broons' strip cartoon stories (she told Francis Gay of The Sunday Post) and that was where she had learned her Scots Tongue, "Jings, Crivvens and Help Ma Boab!" – and to The Scotsman's Conspiracy Correspondent, Tammy Shanter, she said "Ah'm jist a wee lassie fae Bucharest
wha wants tae experience faimly life, Irn Bru an Purritch jist like ma Maw maks it, toastin' breid at the fire in the range while she smoothes ma claes wi a sadiron!"
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