SentenceThe Fivehundredandfifteenth
The juggernaut of the Duke of Albany's overweeningly high opinion of himself as a bon viveur continued to press upon his compotators, who were unable to wrest control of the conversation from him; Ranulph Ochan'toshan had been joined at Albany Palace by several other Members of the Ring of Gold - Larry 'Knickers' Lauderdale, Deputy Chief Constable Duncan Doubleday, and Quentin Ingmarsson - who were unable to get any answers to the questions they failed dismally to articulate: "do we know how Peter Boo managed . . . . . ?" "he is a renowned escapologist!" "was he assisted . . . . . ?" "and as a renowned escapologist his abilities require no outside agency!" "and where has he . . . . . ?" "last seen in Piccadilly or the Champs Elysee!" "does he know . . . . . ?" "the man is of weak character and moral fibre!" "can he tell anything to the . . . . . ?" "certainly, and I would hope so!" "can Mr Doubleday tell us . . . . . ?" "absolutely not, indubitably!""do you . . . . . ?" "certainly, Brunskill, give us another stiff one each!" "no, but . . . . . ?" "and you do appreciate that Brunskill's 'stiffies' come with a health warning!" "and what . . . . . ?" "don't be so pedantic, dear boy, let Brunskill open your trousers for the child to draw you out!" "but I . . . . . ?" "you never said a truer word, Ralphy!" "oh, golly, oh, oh, oh yes, oh!" ""come here, Sophonisba, present yourself to me!"


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