Sentence The Fivehundredandtwentieth 
But, of course, in 1266AD, neither Tavish, nor Tammy, nor Bernie, nor even Lolly, knew nothing of any of this, nor did their new friends Sister Evadne Eglantine and Griselda of Longformacus, prisoned, as it were, in the guest rooms of Albany Palace, under the watchful eye of the Duke's guards; "Albany thinks himself an ubermensch," said Tavish, "and he thinks – well, knows - "that he
can get away with murder; he's the King's consigliere, and he has alchemists on his payroll searching for all kinds of handwavium, but I think we can use our own knowledge to exploit that: have you ever read A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court?" and both Bernie and Tammy started singing 'I'm busy doing nothing, nothing the whole day through, trying to find lots of things not to do . . . . ." and Tavish grins: "okay, you've seen Danny Kaye in the movie, so you get the idea; we have knowledge in our heads of things that no-one here knows about, and we can use that to our advantage," and he noticed the nun and her sister staring at him, confusedly, so he spoke to them: "Sister Evadne, Lady Griselda, I know it is difficult for you to understand how we have come here, have somehow travelled backwards in time . . . . . we don't pretend to understand it ourselves, but the fact, which I hope you will believe, is that it is true; now, here and now, we are all in great danger – the Duke is a member of the same cult as Sir Parlane MacFarlane, and despite the fact that he is of your own kin, I don't think that would stop him harming or killing you for his own ends; although I am an old man, I do have a certain afflatus – a kind of inner strength or inspiration which, if you will trust me, trust all of us, I do believe that we can use our own abilities to not only save ourselves, but smash The Ring of Gold; MacFarlane and his man Doubleday are already dead – that I can swear to, and our aim is to track down the other members of this evil guild and put them all out of action," and a startled look swept across Sister Evadne's face - "I cannot, I will not, be party to the murder of any man," she said, and turning her back on him, she took her sister's hand and they both knelt and began to pray!


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