The Fivehundredandnineth
And that was how it came to pass that
Muckle Mungo, Wee Wullie and Lulu devolved from North to South down
the motorways in a rather chronophagous manner, occasionally missing
an exit by a veritable mile and occasionally finding their views
restricted due to the car becoming pulverulent when it was overtaken
by a truck carrying cement or flour or even common-or-garden dust, to
the extent that on three separate occasions it was necessary to pull
in at a services for Wee Wullie to scrape away a viewing slot in the
windscreen to give Lulu the barest minimum visibility permitted in
the Highway Code – of which she proudly stated, without fear of
contradiction, that she had forgotten more of it than either of her
passengers had had hot dinners, which was scarily true, and her seven
failed Driving Test attempts are clear proof – although her
speciality, of Getaway Driving, which she passed with flying colours,
is sadly not recognised by either the Police or the Judicial system;
but bethatasitmay, she did at length pull up the car in front of The
Bridges Public House in South

Darenth, Kent where a huge banner
The Wrestlers Annual Reunion and
followed her two passengers through the bar and out at the back where
the guys were suddenly enfolded in bear-hugs, back slapping,
double-handshakes and wet
kisses on the lips, and the welcome from the other male
wrestlers was
equally effusive, but without the kisses; Lulu narrowed her eyes as
she scanned the women in the Beer Garden: many of them had the
physique of Body Builders, several the bearing of Wrestlers, and a
few were softer, more feminine, clearly wives who followed but did
not actually
participate in their men's work; and Lulu quickly
identified three whom she could see herself getting intimate with –
she prided herself in spotting another Lezzie at 100 yards, and this
was an enclosed, sheltered and, despite the good number who had
turned out, easily covered area and so, just managing a quick word
with Father Macaneny, she followed a blonde of about 35 who was
clearly making for the Ladies. and caught the door just as the other
passed through; their eyes locked for that instant which is all it
takes for 300GB to be exchanged and Lulu knew she was Home and Wet!
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