The Fivehundredandtwentyeighth

A skylark swoops high above the foaming
waves as they pull the woebegone figure of Martin Elginbrod further
from the shore; he struggles, his hands cuffed behind his back and
the lodestone's chopper casts a brief shadow over him – you really
wouldn't believe this if it was recounted in one of the many samizdat
publications devoted to exposing Duck's nefarious activities: the
casting of swine into the sea was nothing compared to this heinous
treatment of a prominent Edinburgh lawyer no matter his faults and
whether or not he is a Slav: this is punishment for being of a
perceived different stock from Trumpington, nothing more, nothing
less, and the fact that
The Next President of the United States
is wrong in that, as usual, makes it even worse; Elginbrod tries
vainly to keep his head above water, as the brine splashes over his
face and is gulped down his throat, his spasms become less, his
clothes are heavy with water and weigh him down, and the last seen of
him. by a small seven-year-old boy watching from the dunes, is both
tragic and pitiful, a last cry rises above the steel grey waves and
he is gone, drifting deeper and taken further out by the rip-tide, to
God Knows Where – it is a sorry end for the man who believed
that he had everything he wanted: earning more money every second
than your average Scot brings home in a
Month of Sundays,
with power over the lives of hundreds of near-destitute families
crammed into the sordid rooms in condemned buildings whose rents are
paid directly from the City Council into one of Elginbrod's many
Holding Companies. while the children he keeps as play-things in two
tenements in The Cowgate wait for the sound of his key in the lock.
each dreading that it might be their rooms, praying that it is
someone else's, and all wondering whether it just be their Master
alone or a number of his friends, up for a 'Party', and while Lionel
and Traci still lie in Martin Elginbrod's bed, in his Morningside
home, both sweaty and reeking from their passionate entanglement,
having made full use of the array of sex-aids they found in his
wardrobe and drawers; and they are oblivious of the eyes watching
them – the eyes of a twelve-year-old Syrian boy in Drumchapel who
had hacked into Elginbrods home security system and had turned his
computers and laptops into viewing devices:
The Economic Migrant,
as he is known to Police Scotland, the Scottish Security Service and
his many private clients, all of whom benefit greatly from his
expertise and truly remarkable skills, has no particular interest in
the near-pornographic scenes he has watched through the night, but he
is concerned that Lionel has not yet twigged to the danger Traci
poses for him; and he turns back to the monitor showing the last
sight of Elginbrod, sent directly from the mobile phone his friend
and First Lieutenant, Wee Eck is still keeping fixed on that spot on
the surface of the sea; and from Drumchapel, the message is sent:
wrk Eck, rtrn to bs, ur gnn b a YouTube
snstn tnght!"

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