The Fivehundredandtwentysixth

And down at
Trumpington Towers, in Ayrshire, Martin Elginbrod is just teeing up
on the first Tee for his first round of golf with
The Next
President of the United States of America, Duck Trumpington; the
Most Powerful Man in The World has
magnanimously extended to his Edinburgh Lawyer the honour of
Swing, and as Elginbrod's backswing reaches it's zenith, the man
Day-Glo hair takes the cigar from his nouth and says:
"you know Elgin-Brod, Brod was Tito's real surname, you ain't a
Slav are you?" and Elginbrod's harebrained slice sends the ball
rising almost vertically,

and the eyes of The Boss's bodyguards
follow it high in the sky and then the tiny pause befoe it begins
it's plummet towards the beacon below; one of the bodyguards leaps
forward, his hand on Elginbrod's shoulder gives him the extra lift,
so that just five inches above the glowing fire on his employer's
head, his outstretched right hand catches the ball neatly and his
momentum carries him on to crash on top of Duck. and both men tumble
to the grass; immediately, other bodyguards dive at Elginbrod and in
two seconds he is pinned to the ground by five beefy FBI Agents, who
frisk him roughly and handcuff his wrists behind his back, as Duck is
helped to his feet, staring angrily at the lawyer: "I shoulda
guessed there'd be some Mooslim in a man with Brod in his name, nice
try, Buddy, but no cigar - the First Amendment's gonna be the first
thing to go, I got no time for pinko eristic gobbledegook - You're
Fired!" and, throwing down his driver he plods away, surrounded
by the rest of his Security Detail, pausing only to accept the ball
from it's catcher, sign it with a pen held out instantly by his
Secretary, and hand it back to the young man: "here's something
for your family to cherish in the centuries to come, with God's
Blessing on you and yours, son," and the catcher drops to one
knee to receive a pat on the head, then the group vamooses leaving
only the prostrate Edinburgh lawyer and his captors!
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