Sentence The Sixhundredandeightieth

As Sam and Jasmine walked down Broomilees Road towards their own cottage in the centre of Darnick, he suddenly asked her: "Jazz, would you come with me to the cinema this evening?" she stopped: "wow!" said she, "what's this about?" and he felt a little embarrassed at her caustic tone: "there's a film called
The Viceroy's House which I really want to see, it's had very good reviews, but I always feel a little self-conscious going to the cinema alone, so I would be very pleased if you would accompany me; my Old Man was in the Colonial Service in India during the War, until Independence and obviously he knew the Viceroy pretty well – he met Gandhi. was very impressed by him, such a tragedy that he was assassinated, but as I say, I would rather have a companion than go alone and there is no-one I would lief go with than you, Jazz; a man alone in the cinema always feels that he is under suspicion, not that I would ever do anything untoward," and Jasmine agreed to go with him, but laughing said: "if it protects your reputation as a Normal Person; you took me to Sunday Lunch at the

BGH and now the cinema, people will talk, you know, first the orts and now the flicks," and laughing too, he assured her that he had no ulterior motive; "remember when we went to
Schindler's List? and when we were leaving there was none of the usual banter, everyone was quite silent until we got to Tesco's car park, all thinking about the story? and then driving back, talking about the film; I have several times gone alone – always careful to sit apart – but afterwards having no-one to discuss it with, rather cancels out some of the pleasure of the film, and in keeping with the period, I shall shake out my Harris three-piece suit and my Club tie," and Jasmine laughed as she took out her keys, "and if you are in Tweed, perhaps so should I," but Sam shook his head and with a sly look in his eye, said: "the hydronym is incorrect, as well you know Jazz, it has nothing to do with our fine waterway, merely a London clerk's misreading of Tweel, and the error became established as False Facts often do," and Jasmine replied: "of course I'll come with you, Sam, so long as you get me a box of Maltesers," and he agreed to the condition, cheap at the price!
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