Sentence The Sixhundredandeightyninth

"I tank Gott, der is no pepperezzi here to see me eating dis Bakink Alaska!" said Ludmilla, tucking into a second helping, "I stert vitt nescience und end vitt transpicuous sadisfictions – Yoommy, Yoommy. Yoommy I got Pood in mine Toommy," and she turned to Jasmine, wrapped her arms around her dear friend and kissed her extravagantly on the lips! "vee haff solfed der poozle, mine Darlink," she said, "now vee jist haff to verk out how to put der pices togedder, easy-peasy – За здоровье!" and handing Jasmine a glass brimming with vodka, with arms linked, they downed them in one!!!


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