The Sixhundredandeightyfourth

And that was how it
came about that, the next day, as the Lady Christiane Lauderdale and
the Emperor's Paladin, Marcus Gaius Vulpecula were saying "cheerio,"
to Cornelius Laudius Claudius, fondly known as Umbraticus, as they
prepared to set out for a few days exploration of the region, keeping
well away from that part which was coterminous with the others still
held by native tribes, many of them known to behave much like the
armatole of later times, using sneaky and cowardly guerilla tactics
instead of facing a Legion like men! she gave a gasp, and her hand
flew to her mouth, trying to stuff the knuckles between her teeth to
prevent the shriek which desperately longed to burst from her lips,
and the two men turned to look in the direction of her gaze, and saw
only two other members of the Legion crossing the Parade Ground;
"who's that?" gasped Christiane, clutching Marcus' hand and
squeezing it with all her might, to stop her from turning and running
up the hills to find the legendary Cavern which might take her back
to the last days she spent in Bowden – but then, remembering what
had happened there immediately before her arrival her, she slightly
relaxed her grip, for nothing on Earth would compel back there; "oh,"
laughed Umbraticus, winking at her, "that's just
Priapus Mafarlanius,
the Third Tribune we were talking about, and his slave Domus
Dublidais, you'll never see one without the other, so if you avoid
one, you will easily avoid the other," and Marcus
looked intently at Christiane,
who still held tight hold of him: "you look as if you have seen
a ghost, are you alright?" and with his free arm, he pulled her
into a comforting embrace, and she dabbed at her eyes with a corner
of his cloak: "they look so alike two men I used to know, who I
was afraid of, it scared me," and Marcus stroked her back,
"well, they can't be, for they are not long arrived her, and
will be gone ere we return,
and anyway, with us here, he included Umbraticus, his friend, bosom
buddy and lifelong pal, "no-one can cause you harm," and
she smiled back into his frank, open face and,
not caring if it was against some protocol about fraternising with
the natives, kissed him full on the lips. which, she could feel,
pleased him
and she believed that her future lay with him, to be miscible in his
embrace and feel their two bodies mingling as they became one;
then, with a last shake of Umbraticus' hand from Marcus,
a peck on his cheek from Christiane, the two were quickly mounted,
wheeled the horses towards the gate and had soon passed out of the
great Camp; watched by two pairs of eyes in the shadow of the
Quarter-Master's Stores; "so this is where you have been,
Christiane," growled the Tribune
named Priapus, in honour of his ever-standing organ, "it's more
than five years, but I never forget a whore!" then
he snapped his fingers and together the two entered the warehouse and
got to work!
at which point, Dear Reader – I
am not
going to patronise you with the epithet, Gentle, which I hope went
out with Jane
– you
will be wondering how on Earth Sir Parlane MacFarlane
and his sidekick, Dominic Doubleday, the original villains of this
story (never mind their descendants – well, Sir Parlane's actually,
for despite his over-riding interest in, and enthusiasm for, fucking
under-age children, Doubleday has never been able to have sex with
anyone his own age and all of the descendants who bear his name, are
actually the product of the loins of the MacFarlane baronet in whose
company he always is, and the same genes
which impregnated his wife Marie, have been passed down through
generations and every wife the Doubledays have taken has been
similarly impregnated by the then baronets, all obviously descended
from Sir Parlane) have turned up in Roman Scotland, when they were
last seen restored to the pink Dolls House in Washington DC after the
débâcle caused to the forces of Laura Norder (first woman Director
of the FBI) by President
Trumpet-Trousers' brilliant wheeze of winding the nation's clocks
back 24 hours
which made the warrants
for arrest and seizure invalid because they were now
dated a day in advance; well, in the contemporary narrative I haven't
yet reached the fateful day when a huge and
unexplained explosion
rocked the city and the two miscreants were never found again, alive
or dead, it was as if they had been vaporised,
and for the following twenty or thirty years, conspiracy theorists
have been wading through the Archives in an effort to prove that they
were assassinated by, either Theresa Maybenot's MI6,
Ginger Goldfish's Tartan Spies, or
the CIA, all
of whom
were discomfited
at Duck's intention to send his ignoble
to Scotland as the US Ambassador, thus besmirching the reputation of
the United States and returning MacFarlane to the Land of his Birth
as an Untouchable, under Diplomatic Protection;
well, many different versions abound, but the truth will soon be
revealed if you Watch
This Space!
and of the pair themselves?
to their senses in Ancient Rome, miraculously intact with
just a few minor burns, scrapes and bruises,
sprawled beside the bodies of two dead
soldiers – a Tribune and his slave, both of whom so closely
the Bad Men that after they had swapped clothes, they were taken for
real deal; indeed, the discovery that the Tribune was named
Priapus in
of his immense and ever-ready shaft, it only took a cursory glance at
MacFarlane's to convince any Doubting Thomases that he was indeed
Priapus Mafarlanius
and his slave was Domus Dublidais; and that was five years ago in
that particular epoch, so
when they were despatched to Trimontium in Alba, well, it really felt
to the pair that they had Come Home! and
to the Master, it fulfilled an old story that he had been told by his
Great-Grandmother, an old bat of a woman he hated, but on this
particular occasion had listened to with ears pricked and a strange
sense of Destiny coursing through his veins, for she told him that
the MacFarlane Family and Clan were descended from a Roman who had
deserted the Legion and been accepted among the indigenous people and
that the Clan MacFarlane was the oldest in Scotland and by rights
should have provided the Kings of Scotland for ten thousand years,
which was when he had lost interest because it seemed just an ancient
crone's drivelling, and yet, and yet, and yet here he was carrying
the name Mafarlanius, which was obviously the origin of MacFarlane,
and wondered if that meant he was destined to be his own ancestor?
imagine the unreconstructed
surprise at seeing Christiane there, having last seen her in Ranulph
Ochan'toshan's Bowden cottage in 2017 when she had been felled by a
mighty blow to the head delivered by Dominic, just before the sirens
of the Police she had called could be heard in the distance: really,
he felt, as they began their intimidation of the Quarter-Master, you
couldn't make it up!
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