Sentence The Sixhunderdandseventyseventh

Little Levy Balquhidder laughed and gurgled with delight when Sam and Jasmine entered the living-room, Jasmine carrying Karla, his favourite Teddy which they had borrowed to communicate with Tavish in the 13th Century; once Levy's mum, Rilla, had brought coffee, and after a little chaffer, left them to go out to the Co-op, Sam explained the reason for the visit: "We have been in contact with Tavish and know where they are just now, well, I guess moving in parallel with our Present," and Levy chuckled: "you are learning, Sam, the whole Universe is moving in Parallel, all time is simultaneous; so have you made contact with any others?" and Sam looked pensive: "one of Tavish's group climbed through the hole in his cloak and disappeared, we know she isn't here. a lot of things have quietened down, overwintered, you might say, but she could be anywhere, and that is the same with the others, although we have evidence of another group in Milan in 1497, not all from here, or indeed from Britain, so there must be other Worm-Holes, do you have any way of identifying them?" and the question hung in the room as Levy cuddled his bear and seemed lost in thoughts – his appetence was to aid them, but he knew he had already gone way, way beyond what The Creator would approve of; oh, he had been reckless in the past and each time had been rebuked, but this time, he really was going too far, but, in for a penny: "the Worm-Holes were never The Creator's intention, if you think of the Universe as a big thick blanket, the Worm-Holes are flaws, like dropped stitches in a piece of knitwear or holes where the knitting or crochet isn't as tight as it should be; and then if you think of that
Snakes and Ladders board, where the snakes and ladders can swivel between moves, so the board has hundreds or even thousands of permutations. you might be able to move one way, but not go back, or be joined by another player; it isn't stable, or static, but here's another example –
Mornington Crescent!" and Sam smiled, living up to his name as his face lit up at the reference, and Levy continued: "so if Griselda didn't hold onto the string, she could have been sucked somewhere else, maybe not even on Earth – though that is unlikely;" which was when Jasmine picked up the little boy and held him on her knee, her face inches from his: "we never mentioned a name, so how come you know it's Griselda? do I need to change your nappy, eh? or are you going to give us it in Spades!" and the baby let out a surprised kind of bleat and through his eyes Jasmine could see him rapidly running through all the options available to him!

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