Sentence The Sixhundredandsixtyeighth

As the girls stood near the woods, on a sunny afternoon, towards the middle of March, it being J Alfred Prufrock's idea that visiting the area in daylight would enable them to better orient themselves when darkness fell upon the land, he observed five pretty young women, all adolesced and maturing into full bloom, looking to all the world as if they didn't have any reason to be fearful; but he did have concerns about the task ahead of them: "Nazism is no blip," he told them, "it's grip on Germany tightens every day and the message for the free nations is ominous, dire; it has subverted psychology, and spreads fear beyond it's borders with its newspeak:
Arbeit macht Frei,
and Kraft durch Freude; it may seem like I'm trying to teach my Grannie to suck eggs, but it's important for all of us to remember why we are here and what we hope to achieve . . . . . . . and the risks we run; tonight is our best, perhaps our only chance to catch our rabbit, and one mistake could mean us ending up in the pie instead of him; so, any questions?" and it was Beate, from Koln, who asked it: "can't we just wring his neck?" and the spontaneous giggles released the tension, even Prufrock laughed who never did, and then he clapped his hands again and said: "stroll about, get your bearings,
there's a tearoom just over there, go in, check it out, I believe there are toilets, see where they are, for the next couple of hours you are just what you seem to be, a group of office workers with a rare afternoon off enjoying the Spring weather before Winter drops a permafrost over Europe!" and if any nice young SS officers seek you out for the pleasure of your company, flirting is normal and that's just what you are: deadly normal!" 
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