Sentence The Sixhundredandeightyfirst

As they walked back to the car, Jasmine said: "I really enjoyed the film, if that is the right word for how I feel – it seems to have been such a dreadful outcome for so many, displaced, harried out of their homes and dispersed, rather like what is happening now in the Middle East, was Mountbatten really a Throttlebottom? he seems to have had no grasp of the consequences which would come from the Partition?" and Sam glanced at her: "I take that as a question from your uptalk, rather than a statement," and she nodded, "we were never taught about it at school, like so many things in recent history, although I did know that there had been some kind of watershed, and a lot of rancour on both sides," He brought forward the projected date of Independence by about a year, was persuaded against his Government’s instructions that Partition would be less disruptive than otherwise and when asked about the possibility of violence, gave assurance the there would be none, but if there were any, he would clamp down on it and 'nip it in the bud'! but his principal aim was to extricate Britain before it became Britain's responsibility and in the course of what could be considered ethnic cleansing, 2.28 million people disappeared, both Muslims (the greater number) and Hindus; and it was brutal, bloody and horrific in the extreme – not just killing, but eviscerating and humiliating people even after death; so I think his assurances could be regarded as bromidic, much like the man himself! but promise me you won't repeat anything I've said to Teri, I don't want to read my words in her Blog!" and Jasmine crossed her heart and hoped to die – while on her other hand, behind her back, her fingers were crossed, and we know what that ploy means, don't we?
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