Sentence the Fivehundredandsixtyfirst

The Intruder had his plans well-laid; researches in the Mitchell Library had told him what documentation he required - copies of Hamish MacDonald's Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate and Driving Licence, and he had also traced MacDonald's home address and knew details about his family and employers, making use of money he had found easy to steal from unguarded handbags, purses and wallets and, once he had discovered he was a born pickpocket, from dipping excursions to football matches at Firhill, having become a confirmed Jags fan! in steganographic letters to the relevant authorities which contained coded messages designed to subliminally influence their recipients, he gave a post office box address at a nearby sorting office under the pretext of familial disharmony; using his knowledge of stasiology, he joined the Labour, Liberal and Conservative Parties and by convoluted galimatias in debates at Branch Meetings was on the verge of election to
higher echelons in all three and knew that tomorrow would be the day when the original Hamish MacDonald must be removed and replaced through the medium of Murder!


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