Sentence The Fivehundredandseventysecond

Which was when Daphne and Maude arrived at the front door, disrupting a discussion between Auntie May (or May Not) and Auntie Crist on the American kakistocracy which seemed to have at last proved the correctness of the Peter Principle by electing to the Highest Office the candidate least likely to fill it with anything but his ego, bringing an assortment of bags and cases and announced that they needed to stay for a bit to work on recent developments in their pursuit of Sir Parlane MacFarlane and his dastardly doings – they had sent separately a trunk of papers from Our Lady of Longformacus which would arrive on the morrow but, in the meantime, they needed crumpets and whisky and not necessarily in that order; Teri saw in Auntie May's eyes the possibility of her offering two of her oldest and dearest friends and cousins the use of the Yurt in the garden which had been erected specifically to facilitate viewing the Near Moon, but luckily that did not come to pass, for while sleeping under canvas might never be an anathema to the two venerable explorers and archaeologists, it would have necessitated the removal of Auntie May's telescope which would have been such a shame for she was quite determined to view the passing which had last occurred almost seventy years ago - Isa who had just come off shift was despatched to the bakers for crumpets and the Co-op for whisky (not that there was any lack in the house, but Cristo thought that a bottle of Highland Park would do nicely - as she explained to Teri, "some Malts are for pleasure and relaxation, others are for serious work, and Highland Park is one of the latter") so, as Teri and a couple of the Syrian children dragged their belongings up to their bedroom. – Daphne and Maude flung themselves onto the sofa and started to tell their dear cousins all about what father Mungo's papers might contain: "something happened to MacFarlane and Doubleday in Melrose," said Daphne, "not at all pleasant for them," added Maude darkly, "and then the Duke of Albany was blown up," continued Daphne,"fatally, it would seem," added Maude brightly, "and none of this was recorded in any of the historical accounts," said Daphne, "makes you wonder, who's trying to hoke whom?" added Maude, knowingly, "but we've found something in Griselda of Longformacus' Journal," said Daphne, "which would seem to point the Fickle Finger of Fate at our dear old friend Tavish!" added Maude triumphantly!


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