The Fivehundredandsixtythird

Fresh from the Public Baths, dressed
like his target and identical in appearance, The Intruder followed
Hamish MacDonald – that is, the
Hamish MacDonald – from his home to his place of work, having
observed the affectionate parting from his wife, whom The Intruder
knew was Jessie (oh, he knew everything there was to be known about
her, for he was assiduous in his gathering of information and facts
about anyone he needed to know intimately, whether to destroy them,
or seduce them) and that the couple had no children – well, he
mused, perhaps that could be rectified – and knowing MacDonald's
work routine, having studied his life and habits,
dickering into every facet of
the man, and knew his routine as well as if it were his own already;
The Intruder knew he could
leave him there and return later, when the man had finished his last
day of employment;
and so, at six o'clock, he
was outside, inconspicuously ready, when MacDonald came out and
headed for The Clansman, down by the Kelvin, his regular pub where he
always drank one pint of heavy and two glasses of Johnny Walker,
after which, his slightly faltering steps – though he was by no
means drunk – headed towards his home and his wife; the
attack took only seconds, a wire garrotte cast over his head and
drawn tight, cutting into his throat, with his assailant's knee
jammed into the small of his back, in less than a minute Hamish
MacDonald was dead – Long Live Hamish MacDonald, who wrapped his
victim's body in weighted hessian sacks and tied them tightly, then
slid and pushed the bundle over the edge of the river, where it hung
like a chad for a moment
before dropping almost noiselessly into the black waters below;
Hamish MacDonald – for he can no longer be referred to as the
Intruder AKA Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering,
he is now the only Hamish MacDonald in this story
– strolled, nonchalant,
obdurate and utterly
remorseless, and feeling as if he had compressed two days'
cavalcade of events into one,
48 hours into 24, towards his home and his waiting wife, let himself
in with his key, and called out "am hame, hen!" and when
his wife appeared, with floury
hands and a smudge on her pretty nose,
he wrapped her in his arms and gave her a passionate kiss; Jessie
MacDonald laughed as she pulled her head back and gazed up at her
'husband' and asked: "whut's thon fur?" and when he drew
from his pocket a silver bracelet he had acquired earlier that day,
in one of his quotidian
moneyless acquisition transactions, she
cooed with delight and when
he said "Happy Anniversary, ma ain true luve," she kissed
him back, equally passionately, fiercely even! and secure in the
knowledge that he could play her like a squeezebox, the nidicolous
cuckoo was safe and in the nest!
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