The Fivehundredandeightyfourth

Soliloquizing as he moved through the
crepuscular light, feeling like the Head of a Dynasty advancing to
war, with garlicky breath from his last square meal, animated with a
revolutionary zeal, running on singing rails forged from Scottish
Steel, the train from Milngavie bore him down on Queen Street Station
and Bernie Cohen, wrapped up against the winter chill, ran over in
his heads the list of things he
Needed to Know from
Snooker Tam, who he
would shortly be meeting outside The
Willow Tearooms in
Sauchiehall Street; then
he must get Tam to introduce him to Mrs MacDonald herself,
so that he could interview her about her belief, as expressed to
Inspector Ferguson, that there were two Hamish MacDonalds - before
and after - and how, while they
appeared to be identical in
almost every regard, other than
the After being unable to cut and sew fabric, which had been Before's
life's work, she had been able to give intimate details about the man
which. from Ferguson's correspondence with a British Military Doctor
in Nuremberg, who had personally examined the living Reichsmarschall
Hermann Goering, matched the Nazi's particulars precisely; and with a
feeling of anticipation, Cohen saw the small boy outside the Tearooms
and together they went up the stairs to
the most sumptuous feast
Snooker tam had ever seen in his short life!
and then the boy
as he munched and munched: "ah dinnae ken whit time it wis cos
av no
goatta watch neeva hus
Boabbie but we git up weel
richtly ah tummeltaff
ra bed an
Boabbie tummeltoantap
o me an giedmeadunt wi is elba anagoatablackeen
giedimashinertae an
we heerd this locommotion
pried open radoor
an therr wis this big fat geezer staunin in front o the press door wi
his haunoanrahaunel
like eed jist cam oot burrits jist a press anen maMammyanDa
ithers aw pooredoot anwewisaw
grabs ra
fat geezer
an marchisim ootrahoose
anmean Boabbie folleredem
anDa pitchis The
Intruder bloke intaeraroad
ancam back antelt mean Boabbie tae rin upra sterrs an wenne cam in we
aw wis tokkin boot hoo he goat in The Intruder anDa
hudda look in the press butty
coodny find oany false wa's
annat so we goat sen tae oor scratchers till ramornin wen we goat up
ferschill anmean
Boabbie hud Miss McCracken an
wen we goat hame Da sedde'd
The Intruder wokkin
up Hope Street anah minded rapicter
ah'd seen in ma chip paper an telt
Da it wis
him an ah
goat it fae unnerrabed
spread it oot oanra
table an looked an looked an agreed itwis annexday maDa
wentaesee Spectre Ferguson atraPeelers
an teltim awthing that hud happened an Spectre Ferguson sede'd findim
butit wis a few weeks later wen Da took mean Boabbie taesee Ra
Bhoys at Firhill that ah spoated The Intruder atra
Thistleside antelt Boabbie anDa anthey agreed anwe
wentower an then follered The
Intruder tae Ra Clansman
an backtae is hoose
an then maDa telt Spectre Ferguson buttah
dinnae ken whit happened till mean Boabbie wis peepinintae ra
hoose when ah sneezed an Mrs MacDonald opened ra
front door an draggedme intaerakitchen
an saw Boabbie starin inra
windae an brocht him in tae an she asked us millions o questions then
shut us in hur
coalcellar an went awa an cam back wi a reedhaired Cloon hoo
scared us an we baith shit wirsels
so Mrs Jessie she teltus
tae callerthat an this cloon wis her pal Sadie an they bathed us an
washed wirclaes anaskedus tae tellaw
anwedid anthey gied us a FIVEPUNDNOTE ah'd never seen yin afore an
they pit us oan a tram back tae Gorbals then she went tae see Spectre
Ferguson hersel huran Sadie an next we saw the Polis gaun tae rahoose
an cum oot draggin The Intruder hauncuffed tae a Black Maria an
takkim awa an that's aw a ken aboot The Intruder AKA Reichsmarschall
Hermann Goering Honest Injun itsra
total Trooth mister!"
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