The Fivehundredandsixtynineth

Bill Martin was tall
and slender – quite a contrast to Hamish MacDonald, indeed to both
of them – better known by being a bar-tender, he worked in
Clansman, the pub favoured by Hamish and had been Jessie's
boyfriend before she was taken on as a Hoffman Presser at MacDonald's
Gents' Outfitters; if he had any doubts about Jessie when she told
him of her seduction by Hamish, in the small back-room of his
business premises at the end of her second day, he didn't show them:
"keep him sweet, Doll, comport yersel, show willin an enthusiasm
fer whitever he wants" he said, "this could be the making
of us – okay, he's merrit, but if he really likes you, he micht get
a divorce and merry ye, but even iffen he dusnae, he micht set ye up
in a wee flat, as his Mistress, we'll be set up fer life then, hen;
ah'll bet he's loaded!" but Jessie wasn't really mercenary, just
looking for security, so she allowed Hamish to have his way with her,
partly because she really needed the job and the extra weekly bonus
she received from him was well worth the pleasure it gave him, and
also because that was what all the men she knew wanted, so she just
took it for granted that they took her for granted too and anyway,
she was free to see Bill in the evenings and at weekends, though it
did feel just a wee bit strange that he wasn't jealous of Hamish,
indeed seemed to relish Jessie's accounts of what her boss did to
her, but then, she thought to herself and said to Sadie: "there's
nowt so queer as Men!" and Sadie agreed with that: "Men are
very queer, you cannae ever work oot whit's gaun on in their heids,"

and then tragedy struck – Mrs MacDonald tumbled out of the window
and cracked her head open on the pavement below; it was a shame,
everyone agreed, they were a devoted couple, sadly childless, how
would poor Mr MacDonald manage without her? well, the day after the
accident he went out and bought a pair of brown-and-white
saddle-shoes, or more widely known as 'co-respondent shoes' on
account of the rather louche image they conjure up, and of course,
the other way he managed to cope with his grief was by spending more
time with Jessie, and not just in the back shop, though that place
seemed to have a special significance to Hamish and he still used it
on a daily basis to give Jessie the attentions he enjoyed, but now he
could also, discreetly mind, he didn't want to give people the wrong
idea, as he explained to her, have her in his home, in Wilton Street,
and so she would arrive by entering the back court through a close on
the far side of the block and make her way to his own back

door, and
then there were no constraints – not on him, at least, although,
for he did rather seem to enjoy tying her onto the marital bed where
he and his wife had spent so many nights, what he really loved to do
was spread-eagle her, with her two wrists tied to the short posts at
either side of the foot of the bed, and with her legs spread wide,
her ankles tied to the posts at the head, which meant that her own
head hung down at the foot of the bed and he was able to give her
what he liked to call "Deep Thrusts," and though she never
particularly enjoyed that, she had been well brought-up from an early
age to acquiesce with whatever her father and his brothers always
required of her and to realise that a woman's place was under a man's
authority; after that, which was now a necessary preliminary to
whatever other positions he chose for her, it was like doing some
kind of yoga and she was usually able to let her mind drift: she
would imagine herself living in a nice little flat off Byres Road,
with enough money to employ a maid who would run her bath for her,
bring her morning coffee (not that ersatz gunk she had been forced to
drink during the war – Camp Coffee made with chicory – but the
real McCoy, as her father said whenever he unbuttoned his trousers:
"Meet the Real McCoy, Jessie!" and there was absolutely
nothing Coy about the thick knotty article that sprang to life before
her eyes and which had entered her life and every part of her body
from the day of her First Communion, which was also the day Father
O'Hagen made his own First Communion with her)

and while her thoughts
went from one male member of her family and circle of acquaintance to
another, browsed bijou flats in Byers Road or side streets off it,
let her try out fashionable outfits in Sauchiehall Street stores, she
was vaguely aware of Hamish, now doing press-ups inside her, now
tossing his caber over her, now trying a pole-vault and she smiled to
herself at how strange were these creatures, these Men, with their
obsessive desires and indefatigable determination to pound her into
the mattress while bellowing ukases on how they wanted her to behave
- "scream, bitch!" or "cry, whore!" or "blubber,
harlot!" or howl, tart!" or "ye love me, Jessie, don't
ye? tell me, lassie," this last being the frequent words of her
Daddy, but it might just as well have been one or another of the
eximious business or political or sporting or religious or
intellectual leaders of Glasgow, many of whom combined with the men
of her own family to debauch the young girl, and usually all their
exhortations were likely to produce just a few sorry millilitres of
their precious spunk – it was kinda sad really, that they needed to
do this, in these many different ways, when
she would have
been quite content with a peck on the cheek and a box of chocolates:
now chocolate –
there was something truly worth living for,
that never disappointed or let you down!
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