The Fivehundredandseventyeighth

Well, I don't know
what's got into our Kafkaesque WPC Isa Urquhart, she's always exuded
ample duende, is kind to children and animals, happy with her own
pulchritude, but over the past week or so has been distracted,
distant, pre-occupied, dismissive of Auntie Crist's Theory
of The Eildon Wormhole, even Auntie May's Soda Scones, and not at
all welcoming to Milly when she comes for a sleepover (not that I
suppose they get much sleep on those nights) and yesterday was
actually quite peevish when I messaged and spoke to her about the man
she'd befriended on Facebook; but something has changed - she
went out for a walk into Town, in the rain, up past the Parish Church
and down to The Cauld, past The Chain Bridge and along to Annay Road,
up past The Abbey all the

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