The Fourhundredandeighteenth

Lolly looked at each
of them: “is not my real name, is what Man call me; when my Mamma
die, my Pappa take me to Bucuresti, say he not can keep me, only one
wage and still got five little kids at home, Man pay him for me, Man
take me, Man say he wanna fuck me but virgin get more money so fuck
me in arse and mouth, Man say that my job now, get fucked, get paid,
put me in van with lot girls, drive a long way, take me out at
Newcastle, 5 other girl left, Man sell to other Man, he take us to
warehouse, ha! whorehouse, lot beds, Man fuck us in arse and mouth,
Man say Romanian girl virgin good money, he pass on to Pappa, don't
laugh, I believe, you think she too ingenuous, I was 11 years, okay,
Man sell me and other girl to another Man take us Edinburgh, sell me
to another Man, he want virgin, tell me my name Lolly, take me with
him Bowden, Man fuck me everywhere, Man not rough like other Man, Man
like fuck me take picture, say me now his daughter, take me places,
buy me clothes, buy me shoes, say he love my bisque complexion, never
say he love me, fuck me every day, Man name Ranulph, say call him
Daddy Ralphy, Man bring friend to house, friend Knickers and wife
Christiane, Daddy and Knickers fuck me at same time, Daddy fuck
Christiane, Knickers fuck me, Christiane man with tiny cock dress
woman, every day Daddy fuck me, lot of days Knickers fuck me, when
Party, lot of Man fuck me, fuck Ralphy, fuck Christiane, Ralphy and
Knickers fuck other kids, boys and girls, Ralphy, Knickers,
Christiane run village Youth Club, Drama Club, Christian Fellowship,
Ralphy and Knickers fuck lots other kids, make boys fuck
Ralphy always snap, snap, snap, fuck, fuck, fuck, snap, snap, snap;
then mountain BOOM! smoking like old man's pipe, four Man come to
house, Ralphy excited, say we have Big Party, plenty girl, boy, for
all Man, skinny-dipping in pool, they talk too, big talk about
Mountain, what in there, the four Man very important, very big Man,
not like in their size, but Boss Man, their name Uncle Parry, Uncle
Dunk, Uncle Georgie, Uncle Dom, Uncle Parry he fuck me lots, tell me
he a Night – I don't know what that mean – he say young girl best
for man, but tell me he fuck tousands of women, don't know what

mean but always young girl like me best, Uncle Knickers he
Sergeant in Politsia and tell them what he hears on radio, lots of
talk about Mountain, then more fuck, plenty for everybody, then Uncle
Parry he take me from Daddy Ralphy but Ralphy don't want lose me. he
beg Uncle Parry, even suck his cock, but No, Uncle Parry is
abstinent, so the day after the party, Uncle Parry and Uncle Dom take
me with them, while Uncle Georgie and Uncle Dunk go to see Politsia
and explain they are okay but don't know anything about anyone else
and Uncle Parry takes me to Edinburgh, to a house of a friend of his
owns and I stay there with them, same as in Bowden – I cook and
clean and be housemaid and they fuck me, sometimes one, sometimes
both, very boring, I am bored and wanting to go home to Romania, I
don't like Edinburgh, or Scottsland, very cold – even Bowden
better, even Uncle Ralphy better, more gentle, more loving, I never
felt raped by him, he never tie me up or tie me down, but Parry and
Dom, they are black hearted men, like in Bucharest and Newcastle,
when they fuck it has to be like rape, so one day, I find they have
gone out without locking me in, so I go quiet down stairs and out,
but where do I go, know no-one, then see Politsia Man and Woman, so
go tell them I been raped and thrown away, so Politsia take me to big
building, they say this Headquarters, and take me upstairs to
Interview Room and give me can of cola, chocolate bisquits, and ask
me wait here, and after about half-hour door opens and Uncle Dunk
walk in! tells me I been naughty girl runaway from Uncle Parry, say I
gotta go back and learn a lesson, oh my god, am in welter of
emotions, fear, dread, hysteria, so I run and jump through window,
through glass, through air, falling and falling, and thump, I open
eyes, still alive, no pain but very dark, and sleep, dream still
falling but light, slow, like snowflake, and when wake, find I am in
Cavern, with strange people, look like Albanian, very severe, no
talk, no smile, grim, grunt, grrrowl, ghuuu, uuugh, yukky, I no
unnerstand and I stay with them maybe four months, six months, some
of them fuck me pretty boring after what been, in, cum, out, until
one night, out for brushwood when see gegenschein in sky, on horizon,
stare at it then CRACK! struck by lightning, woke up in small
village, with beautiful red Abbey called Melrose, just the other side
from Bowden, strange place, no phones, no cars, no pubs, no punters
to pay me to suck or fuck, so went up to Abbey to beg and pray for
help, begged food then old monk he take me into room, he Abbot, he
Boss Monk, he rape me, he tell me he got friends like girl like me, I
wanted far away, try creep away in night, but they never sleep, all
night up and down saying prayers, discovered by another old monk,
think he gonna fuck me, this life never end for me till dead, but oh,
no, he very Holy Monk, good man, kind to me, give me food, clothes,
shoes too, offer him fuck or suck but no thanks, he help me escape,
he is Brother Bede and he real live brother of Father Boisel, he help
me find an old man with cart, he took pity on me and brung me here,
and he no want me suck him for payment, this very strange place,
queer people, but I meet Father Boisel and Greta been looking after
me ever since, thankyou Father, you have save my life!”
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