The Fourhundredandtwentyfifth

Blood was racing
through Pantagruel's ears making them buzz like a tocsin alarming him
to the situation: where were these premonitions coming from? had he
suffered a concussion when he collapsed? oh, he knew that some of his
colleagues had concerns about the threats they envisaged from the
possible directions which the leadership of Germany might take, while
others saw Hitler as providing a bulwark against Bolshevism, his own
Father-in-Law being of the latter persuasion; why, Lord Dalmuir's
eldest son, Duncansby, had invited the Ambassador, Joachim von
Ribbentrop, to be a paranymph at his forthcoming wedding to Lady
Brunnhilda Lesmahagow, younger daughter of the Duke of Lesmahagow, a
well-known Germanophile and frequent visitor to Hitler's retreat in
the Bavarian mountains, who ofetn remarked that
we are all Saxons
anyway and it rankled with MacFarlane, for he knew that
Brunnhilda, as a close friend of Daisy, was urging her to join Oswald
Mosley's British Union of Fascists, along with the Mitford sisters,
Diana and Unity, who had been their lifelong chums – all
hugger-mugger with these Nasty Nazis, he thought to himself, unable
to understand Daisy's blindness to their true natures; and “oh, my
God,” he breathed to himself as Albie and Lizzie (he still, two
years after the Coronation, thought of them as they had always been
known in their social circle) running towards Ribbentrop, clearly a
favourite with them, with the two girls

and the Queen giving him Nazi
salutes - “tribulations, eh?” said Clement Dane, holding a glass
of wine out for Pantagruel, who took it gratefully, “you'd expect a
bit more decorum from the Windsors now that he's the
King Emperor
and she's, well,
Diamond Lil, I suppose it's fair to say –
marry the Number Two and scoop the pool, but maybe she guessed right,
or had inside information, d'you suppose?” but Pantagruel couldn't
bear to exchange gossip with the academic: “what do you think is
going to happen in Europe, Sir Clement? you have many contacts over
there?” and Dane looked at his carefully, before speaking: “if
you are referring to my Jewish chums, I think they are in for a hard
time, the ones who haven't managed, or simply can't afford, to get
out: they've already been classified as
which means they can't own
property, run businesses, have no legal rights, have to wear yellow
stars, their kids can't go to school, their so-called friends turn
their backs or cross the street when they see them coming – it's
inhumane and dehumanising, and I tell you this, Pan, it's only the
start; but you are in the FO you must know what's going on, surely?”
and MacFarlane couldn't meet Dane's searching gaze, and he said: “my
Daisy is attracted to that greaseball Mosley's lot – only because
some of her friends are in it – and I'm worried for her too,” and
Dane lowered his voice, though no-one could hear them anyway: “well,
if I were you, Pan, I'd tag along with her, to keep an eye out for
her, and my ears pinned well back to see what I might learn; you
might even chum some of them over to Berlin, get a first hand view of
Herr Fucking Hitler and understand what he's up to, not that I'm
trying to teach you how to suck eggs; oh, and if I were you, which of
course I'm not, I'd take my old Webley along, just in case, though
you might not have one of
your own, but then you're not
me either, are you Pan?”
and this time, Pan and Clement held each other's eyes and it was as
if some kind of telepathic communication had taken place, because
when they
broke eye-contact, Professor Dane slapped Pantagruel on the back and
said, “Champers is all very well, but I feel like
stiffener, care
to join me?” and Pan gave the other a wink and said: “I don't
mind if I do,” and speaking
quietly, the Professor said, “that little piece you wrote for me
yesterday could have done with a bit more proofing, you know, it
caused the Dickens of an upset,” and Pan laughed, “sorry about
that, my secretary Theresa had a bit too much to drink at the Opera,
I don't think she could see straight, told me the words all merged
into one,” and this time it was Sir Clement who laughed, “literally
true, old chap, only too true!” as
they both strolled across the lawn to where Dane knew very well that
a nice bottle of Laphraoigh
was waiting for them!
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