The Fourhundredandthirtythird

The flushed and
fierce WPC Isa Urquhart stormed out of her meeting with DCI Bruce
Bruse and DI Gordon Brevity, flounced into the canteen, where Jasmine
Juniper-Green and Sam Smiles were on their third cups of coffee,
threw herself into a chair at their table, picked up the nearest mug
of Latte and downed it one, before turning to focus her gimlet eye on
Smiles and, pointing her finger at his face said: “you'd better
talk, Sunny Jim, make it snappy and tell it true, because I have just
about had it up to here with all this tohubohu shit about my cousin
and mentee being on a
'Special Secret Mission'
authorised by the Chief Constable' and want to know everything that's
going on and I don't give a flying fuck about the Official Secrets
Act –
I signed it when I joined the rozzers, just like
and everyone else and I'm a Black Belt in
The Glasgow Kiss so,
if you don't want to go home with

yer Grecian
I suppose
plastered right across yer fizzog like a rotten tomato, quit feigning
ignorance and man up!” and that's exactly what he proceeded to do,
as the sweat trickled down his collar and he could feel Isa's fury
envelop him, until she suddenly said: “whoa there, China, back a
couple of steps, how
exactly do you
know where Gertie
and Pan are? how
exactly do you
know where Tavish,
Tammy and Bernie are? and how
exactly do you know who is in
House on The Hill?” at which point Smiles glanced
desperately at Jasmine who said: “Isa, the bottom line is that
no-one really
knows where any
of them are, right now, because they are in parallel universes, on
different planes
and in different Time Zones, and
we don't know enough about the drug Pantagruel was using – how
strong, how often, how frequent, or whether there might be an element
of tachyphylaxis
which could mean that Pan
used it before, could have
reduced it's effectiveness,
and so might be in a
different place from Gertie, who has only – and accidentally –
been injected once, and the
only things we have to work with are diaries and letters which have
been passed down through the decades and centuries and are being
patiently and carefully examined and decoded to enable us to tell
where they were – so
as far as right now goes,
we don't have a clue: particularly
about Pan and Gertie, they
have only just disappeared, we
have only just now discovered
their diaries, in the Imperial War Museum Archives,
the information from the 13th
Century is very particular and precise and we have a detailed
account, written by Tavish in 1265, which states
clearly the names of several
individuals who are at Hill House right now, and
that is because they had been in the caves with the Americans and had
escaped when the Big Bang Banged and
the account is very precise about that, and
an Armed Response Team has been mobilised and is taking up position
around the House as we speak;
this is very hush-hush because
two of those individuals, according to Tavish's account, which
is based on the recollections of a Romanian girl, Lolly, and her
grasp of a strange language, but diligent work by the Priest in Stow
at the time, Father Boisel, has been extraordinary in helping her
recover suppressed
memories and translate them through Romanian back
into English: the man is a Saint
in my book, are Police
Scotland Officers, who
may be monitoring our radio traffic, so everything is off-radar and
making use of back-channels, so that is why you have been given no
details so far – not because you are a suspect, but because you are
so emotionally
involved and have to be kept behind the lines, for your own safety,
and to
prevent you rushing in like a
hoon and beating them all to
pulp – which I think I can safely say, is what all of us
would like to do: but we must stick to protocols for if we catch
these guys, and rescue the kids they are abusing, and want to make
the charges stick, this has to be done strictly by the book!”
and Isa suddenly felt utterly deflated, hung her head, chin on chest
and simple said: “Fuck Me!”
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