The Fourhundredandseventeenth
And while a tale was
unfolding to the South of The Eildon Hills where Four members of The
Golden Ring were enjoying the help of young Lolly in their ablutions,
in the West, where Robyn Macnamara was trying to understand how a US
Platoon, long given up as dead and buried had suddenly materialised
out of the caves hidden beneath that big old bunch of rock – as one
former President might have termed them; and then North-West to the
Church of Saint Mary of Wedale, a villatic living, but in a very
different time, three other escapees from the Mysterious Hills were
being fed and watered by Father Boisel and his charming wife Greta;
it was Tavish who told them their strange story, expecting them to be
suspicious or even perplexed or - knowing the fears of these times -
to interpret them as an example of witchcraft or even Satanism, but
Boisel's face spread in a slow smile and when he said: “there have
always been tales of strange goings-on around and within the Three
Hills, and we can vouch for their veracity and yours, my dear friend
and when Tavish looked confused, Father Boisel explained: “it is
condign that you have come here, Master Tavish. I have met others,
lost souls, wandering and wondering, who are not of this time and
place, are not ghosts, but flesh and blood, and I have discussed this
with my Brother Bede, for he has met such wanderers also, and we
believe that they have come by way of the Great Cavern, of which
legends speak - it is too much of a coincidence: the legends tell us
that Trimontium is a Hollow Mount, though none have ever found a way
in or out; except, of course, my Greta – by a curious happening! of
which. perhaps later, but now I ask, whither comest and whither goest
thou, my son? speak true or there is nothing I can do for you,” and
he sat back and waited; and Tavish exchanged glances with Tammy and
Bernie and at length, having taken a decision, he said: “we come
from Edinburgh and we go to Edinburgh, for there are certain evil men
there who will be the cause and source of evil deeds by their own
hands and by those of their sons, and their sons' sons, even unto the
seven times seventh generation; they commit every sin it is possible
to commit, they rape and murder, they destroy children - it is a form
of geocide, perpetrated on the weak by the strong but we have a
chance to nip this evil in the bud and cannot pass up that chance - I
have already slain two of the ring-leaders and must keep steady until
I have dealt with the rest of the ring,” and Father Boisel asked:
“are ye self-appointed Judge, Jury and Executioner?” at which
Tavish shook his head, “not by choice Father, but of necessity; I
know that your beliefs are that evil shall be punished by the Lord
God, but I have a chance to prevent evil, and cannot turn the other
cheek, whether you are able to assist us or not, I must confront
this,” and Boisel clapped him on the shoulder and with a quick word
to his wife who, while busy with her baking, nevertheless had also
been absorbing most of the conversation; she smiled and nodded, gave
her husband a kiss on the cheek and then watched as he led the small
group through a door which gave onto an empty yard, at the far side
of which stood a cart, leaning against a bare wall; they all helped
Father Boisel to move the cart and found behind it, the entrance to a
tunnel, which led down to a lower level, a place furnished rudely
with several truckle beds and a table with four chairs, but it was
the bed furthest from them which caught their gaze, for on it, curled
and asleep, lay a young girl; she started as they approached and
would have cried out, but Boisel put his finger to her lips and said:

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