The Fourhundredandtwentyseventh
The plan was simple
and basic, but therefore easy to agree: Pan was due to take a month's
leave; while Daisy intended to spend it helping her sister Dandy in
making preparations for their brother Duncansby's wedding, while Pan
had intended visiting Arabia to further his studies of the region's
political and economic structure, perhaps also taking in some of the
archaeological sites he had missed on previous trips; that would
leave him free to slip into Germany incognito – he would carry a
passport identifying him as his twin sister Palestrina, who had died
in infancy, a disguise he had used many times before since first
adopting it at Cambridge, but had abandoned after meeting and falling
in love with Daisy Dalmuir; oh, it wasn't that he had consciously
chosen to be exclusively heterosexual, no, that would be too big an
ask for any young man with cosmopolitan tastes, for he had thoroughly
enjoyed the many affairs he had had with other men, particularly the
married men who denied their bisexuality, and he always felt a
particular glow of pride – whoever said it was a sin obviously knew
nothing about being picked up in a bar and taken to an expensive
hotel for some
vigorous love-making (and although he knew that
was simply a euphemism for hard shagging, especially when the men
were strangers whom he was unlikely to ever see again) so what did
they know? but he had, over his four years at university, acquired a
small stable of about a dozen stallions: from the hoity-toity English
don, Professor Marmaduke Manners who liked to quote Shakespeare while
having sex, to the rather strange entomologist, Doctor Richard Dick
(and his pride at being named 'Dick Dick') with his fascination for
dung beetles and their peculiar life cycle which, in his own way, he
loved to emulate, and even Sir Hector MacMurdo bart (“don't forget
his baronetcy,” said Philippa, the boy who shared rooms, clothes
and, occasionally, men with Pantagruel) with his dread of a fatal
diagnosis and iatrogenic tendency to manifest whatever symptoms his
doctor might mention in the course of one or other of their weekly
appointments, and then recount in detail to Palestrina while deeply
embedded in her, on the verdure of Acorn Hill which had been rolled
flat by their
passion; all these married men who had fucked her
regularly, whenever they could escape from their other, usually
family, obligations; but, since Daisy, he had relinquished his
Palestrina persona and had not missed her, until now, and he wondered
if his motivation for this forthcoming escapade was truly selfless,
an attempt to clear his mind of those disquieting imaginings by
ridding the world of perhaps the most evil and dangerous man in it,
and of sparing the lives of the millions who would otherwise die
because of him, or, in all honesty, the excitement of the
possibilities for sex with some more strangers before settling down
into the life of a civil servant, a middle class family man, perhaps
even becoming a father – the idea of which he still found slightly
ridiculous, with his own knowledge of himself; if indeed he survived
this highly secret and dangerous mission, for he would have no
back-up, had never had any training in either espionage nor sabotage,
with only Professor Dane – who had never been one of his lovers,
despite their close friendship, or maybe because of that – as an
ostensibly casual acquaintance on the trip, but otherwise alone and
dependent solely upon his own wits, his ability to charm the pants
off a goodly number of men – not one of whom had complained, on
finding that beneath the skirts and frocks she wasn't the girl they'd
expected, for he had learned
well how to make up fully for what he
lacked with the dexterity and skill by which he employed those
facilities he did possess, combined with an innate and overwhelming
desire to ensure the pleasure of the men to whom he gave his body
totally, completely and with utter abandon – he fully realised that
he may never return home nor see Daisy again; but his visions had
been so horrific, so visceral, that he knew the only way he could
expunge them would be to do his damnedest to prevent them becoming
reality, even if that meant dying in the course of the attempt; so he
packed Palestrina in the luggage he would be travelling with and sent
it on ahead, for he would exchange that for the cases Daisy had
packed for him and when he reached Clement's flat would shed his
Pantagruel identity and adopt that of Palestrina; and then he would
be she until she had achieved what she intended, for she did not
consider failure as an acceptable alternative!

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