The Fourhundredandtwentieth

Lolly lowered her
head and spoke softly: “I am filled with shame, for letting all
those Man do things to me, and deserve your disapproval, for not
fighting them, for permitting them to use me,” and she began to
sob, “I am whore, I am whore,” and Tammy reached out her hand and
took one of Lolly's and gave it a squeeze: “no, darling, you are a
little girl who lost her Mamma and whose Pappa despaired and was
deceived by those evil men, they are the ones we disapprove of, they
are the ones we despise, but you are safe from them now, here with
Father Boisel and Greta, where they can never reach you,” but
Tavish interjected: “we must be circumspect, Tammy, my dear, for in
fact it may be wrong to say Lolly is safe, there are still predators,
members of MacFarlane's Ring, both at Melrose Abbey and in Edinburgh,
and while her 21st Century foxes have been left behind, I am anxious
that they may yet target people we love and care for; MacFarlane
himself, and the original Doubleday seem to have escaped from The
Cavern and are united with the other Doubleday and yet more members
of The Ring – I knew Ranulph Ochan'toshan, not well, and only as an
artist and a fine photographer. but it seems he has another
accomplice in the Police – this one called 'Knickers' - and we are
the only ones outside The Ring who know; I was too confident that I
had finished off those snakes in the stables, and now find that they
have walked out of that Cavern and just picked up where they left
off: talk about the
Resurrection!” and he snorted, “I feel
as if we're in the middle of a

time-loop, stuck in the Past, with
foreknowledge of the Future, but no way of stopping it,” and he
stopped suddenly, turned to Father Boisel, and said, “please
forgive us Father for our lack of manners, it is unforgivable to
speak between ourselves with no acknowledgement of your presence, and
over the head of this poor girl, who has been abominable used and
abused in our Time; she has shown great courage and fortitude, and we
need to involve her in our plans, whatever they may be and wherever
they may lead, for she is both a victim and a witness, and she
probably knows more than she remembers, though to remember such
horrors is distressing in itself, but we need to think carefully
about how to proceed – to rush into action may cause more
difficulties than they need, there is a saying from:
softly catchee monkey,' and we might benefit from it as a guiding
principle, to creep up on our prey rather than breenge in like a bull
in a china shop,” and then he realised that Father Boisel had
acquired the glazed expression of one who has not the faintest idea
what Tavish was talking about; he slammed his hands down on the
table, and looked at the others – Lolly, the abused Romanian girl,
Tammy, his daughter, Bernie, her lover, and Father Boisel, the
Priest; “we can't do
nothing, we need to be able to expose
them and Griiiiind them into the dust” he growled, a long drawn out
onomatopoeia which made the others uncomfortable; Lolly began to
ululate, sobs and

wails racking her body, but as Bernie comforted
her, Tavish stood and exclaimed: “forget the newspeak – 'we can't
do nothing!' - but we
can do something, we've been purblind
after our experiences in and after The Cavern, feeling adrift in a
strange land, but this is Our Land: Scotland, it's only that the
clock has been wound back, which gives us a Mission: to avenge
ourselves on the brutes in that infernal Ring of Gold, to destroy
them and change the future, or rather, to shape it, this is probably
the only chance for 'after' to undo 'before' and our knowledge of
what right now is the unknown Future, can help us!” he stretched
out his hand, “are we together?” he asked, and one by one the
others, including Lolly and Father Boisel, joined the handclasp and
cried, “

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