Sentence The Sixhundredandtwentyseventh
And so Hyman Z Kaplan, dismissed and knowing there was never any welcome back to Duck's camorra, no
Prodigal Son Returned Moment, walked away, and cast his eyes to Heaven: "God damn America!" and taking out his cell-phone, scrolled through the Tweets from Duck, Tweets he had composed for The Boss, and remembered his first realisation that Twitter had been practically designed for Duck, to perfectly enable a man who thought and spoke in 140 characters, who despised mundialization – not because of any inherent opposition to the globalisation of business, but rather, simply because the word had 'too many letters' and Kaplan remembered an old mantra from Motivational Interviewing: 'I believe what I say when I hear myself say it,' the perfect summation of Duck's mind: "he believes what he says, but when, weeks, days, or moments later, he says something diametrically opposed to the former, he believes that, too, and adamantly," oh yes, Duck was a man with convictions, for as long as he remembered them, but once he forgot, woe betide anyone who reminded him! that was why nothing but his name was carved in stone, or by xylography on wood, he could sent out multitudinous tweets without the need for reporters or editors – pah! Duck hated their guts, and it was with a heavy heart that Kaplan saw his old adversaries, Sadie Moskowitz and Rose

Mitnick approaching: "Hiya Hymie," said Rose with a twinkle in her eye as Sadie held out her phone towards him: "how are the mighty fallen, already! you better read it, Hymie: your Boss says you're the viper in the nest, your wear a wig and your breath stinks!" and Hyman grinned broadly, his heart lighter for the first time since his dismissal: "well, ladies, will you join me for dinner –
I wrote that Tweet, but it was about the Director of the CIA, and all Duck's done is change the name, you've got to hand it to him, he'll always go for retreads, rather than buy new, that's what establishes his appeal to the Rednecks: it gives him credentials and a connection with those who have to alter their clothes or go to thrift shops, it makes them feel he's one of them, as if!" and with a laugh the three, who had met many years ago in an
English for Beginners class, turned into the nearest MacDonald’s, with relish! for now that the umbilical cord with Duck had been severed, Hyman Z Kaplan was
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