The Sixhundredandtwelfth

It was a while
before Tavish sent his next message through Karla's Moth-hole: 'sorry
for delay. no tin cans, managed to bore through a horn, T' and
Jasmine raised her soup can to her lips: "hello, Tavish, this is
Jasmine," then listened, straining to keep the string taut, then
she heard the familiar voice, perhaps more gravelly than before, but
certainly Tavish's: "hi Jasmine, good to hear you, never

I would, we are all still well, at Roslin Chapel – not the modern
one, an older place, but safe and sheltered, is Sam there?" and
she handed the can to Sam, who fitted it into the large cake tin he
had rigged up as an amplifier (they had already tested it by
themselves) and they listened, almost reverently, as if they were
receiving the words of a swami: "are you well, Tavish?"
asked Sam into the soup can, and his reply seemed to boom out of the
cake tin: "oh, well, middling I suppose, we're eating king cake
as it's Twelfth Night, and relaxing after the maelstrom that
enveloped us at Albany Palace, you understand," and Sam chuckled
his acknowledgement, then Tavish's voice grew serious: "there
have been draconian reprisals already, the King has issued a
proclamation that the assassins will be hunted down in every lair and
hiding place and anyone sheltering them will be also adjudged to be
assassins and all will suffer the full wrath of the Crown, and, by
the by, I have been appointed the King here today, as part of the
Twelfth Night celebrations, which only means I get to wear a crown
and don't have to say please and thankyou, not much else; I'm not
fearful for myself, but

seriously concerned about my young friends,
especially Tammy, of course, but also Bernie, Lolly and Wullie, they
all need me and it's quite a responsibility at my age – have you
any ideas about how we can get back to you?" and Sam's voice
dropped, although Jasmine could hear every word: "our one hope
is your original communicant, Little Levy Balquhidder, he knows more
about the universe than anyone, and if there is a way, he might be
the only person capable of working it out," at which Tavish
asked, rather brusquely: "is he a midget, or a dwarf, forgive my
language, but there is no
political correctness here, even the
monks are very uncouth and use language with no regard for their
hearers, why do you call him 'Little'?" and this time Sam
hesitated then said: "he's a six-month old baby, and don't ask
me anything more, it sounds impossible, but Jasmine has also met him
and we are not hallucinating, I can assure you of that," and
they heard Tavish chuckle: "Sam, Sam, dear old friend, I could
never imagine you making up such a story, for your complete absence
of any sense of humour is legendary in the Service, so I'll take your
word for it, but sometime I will expect an explanation, hush, someone
is coming, I'll be in contact later if it can," and the string
went slack and both Sam and

Jasmine sat and stared at the amplifier;
Jasmine detached the microphone and played the conversation over on
the recorder: "obviously we can't let anyone hear this, Sir, but
what do you really think we can do about finding a way back for
Tavish, Tammy and Bernie?" and Sam grunted: "don't forget
Lolly, but you are right, and we still don't have the foggiest about
the others, where they are, never mind how we can help them – if we
can help them – we really need to have a good talk with Little
Levy, could you phone his mother and set something up? I've no idea
what story you can spin her, but I do know you're pretty good at
dissembling, even if you aren't very comfortable working undercover,
don't worry, that's not a criticism, we all have a balance sheet of
things we can and can't do; I'm not terribly good at reports, because
I tend to tell what I believe is the truth, and sadly, our Masters
don't always want the truth, and as Tavish said, I'm not too good
with jokes, call it humour, or call it slapstick, I either don't get
it, or do, but don't find it funny, just silly; I suppose that makes
me a boring old fart, but I'm good at what I do do, and I can also
make a pretty good
White Russian Cocoa, if you fancy one
before we close up for today" and jasmine clapped her hands in
delight, because Sam's
White Russians were also legendary in
the Service!
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