The Sixhundredandthirtieth

The two rather
bubbly blondes who shared the row of seats with DCI Bruce Bruse and
DI Gordon Brevity were steadfast followers of newly inaugurated POTUS
#45 Donald 'Duck' Trumpet-Trousers but singularly lacking in
brain-cells; when Bruse spoke of the effluvium which cannot help but
flow from a kakistocracy, as shite from a bum, they giggled and then
DeeDee ("with two capital D's") asked "is a fluvium
anything like a luminum? like they make cars from?" and CeeCee
(with two capital C's") thought kakistocracy sounded uncouth and
not the kind of word she would use, especially as it was so long and
contained more letters than anything she would ever say; but of Duck
they waxed eloquent, especially when Bruse said he was rather an
intrapreneur, who would not allow the conventions of Government to
restrict him: "exactly!" confirmed DeeDee: "he does
what needs done and ain't gonna let any pols (which the two officers
presumed meant politicians) stop him," they would permit no
criticism, that was truly ineffable, in their view: "he's just
top guy and he's gonna start
ab ovo and carry on regardless
till the job's done!" although both married, to their wives as
well as their jobs, the two Scots felt a strange sense of simpatico
for these girls, so unlike any others they knew and agreed to invite
them to a Burns Night Supper that very night; but had to explain that
it was

in honour of Robert Burns (who, by the by, wasn't an old
Rabbi) and not some kind a Barbecue or, as CeeCee, who tended to
break long words into separate syllables, pronounced it:
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