The Sixhundredandninth

But when Daphne and
Maude finally arrived, early on New Year's Day itself, it wasn't from
the direction of the Railway Terminus at Tweedbank, and it was sans
luggage – oh, and they were dressed for a hike over rough terrain,
complete with bivvi bags, binoculars and cameras; first they were
closeted with Cristo and May, and not a peep did we hear, until just
after 3pm, they sent for me, Isa and Milly, swore us to absolute
secrecy on pain of having our eyes stapled permanently open, and told
us what they had been engaged on: "we rented a sweet little
cottage in Bowden, with a rosemaling decoration on the door, and have
been observing the comings and goings of that baleful Ranulph
Ochan'toshan and his depraved cronies and have compiled a dossier
which we need you, Isa, to take to Sam Smiles, he's based in that
rather nondescript little house in Darnick, the one you enter from
the green gate, that's right dear, you know the one, it still belongs
to the family, although it's been rarely used since poor Great Aunt
Bertha had her mishap, anyway, we are sure that the Ring of Gold are
still extant and various members have visited 'Uncle Ralphy' as the
village children refer to Ochan'toshan, for we have seen the original
MacFarlane and his man Doubleday go there, and the Lauderdale person
and his so-called wife, though there seems to be a mystery about that

lawyer Elginbrod – I don't suppose you saw the video
posted by your chum, The Economic Migrant? oh it started on YouTube
and went viral, but the Russians deleted it because it rather
reflected badly on their man Trump and they seem to be protecting him
after all the pre-election fuss died down, you never hear much now
about his peccadilloes, do you? that's the Russians he's got to thank
for that, they seem to be policing the Internet on his behalf and any
perceived slurs are tracked back to their source and scrubbed. Mr
Putin is very fond of his main Hacker, a little Georgian called
Grigori Jug (I think his real name is Dzhugashvili and he's a
descendant of old Uncle Joe) but anyway, Elginbrod is gone and his
practice is now being run by one of Jock Linkumdoddie's boys from
Justice League of Auld Reekie on
behalf of the sons, who are still at Primary School; but we think the
other Doubleday has been creeping about, the Deputy Chief Constable,
an old lady went to Hill House the other day, ostensibly collecting
for charity – but she never called at other houses, so far as we
could tell, and she was admitted and stayed for three hours. and if
you can imagine, Isa, the DCC hunched and dressed in widows weeds,
with a rather jaunty beret on his heads, you might spot him in these
photos," which was when Maude spread a pack of photos across the
table and Isa had no hesitation in
pointing out the Deputy Chief
Constable, indeed dressed as an elderly woman (but not as Maude had
described, for that was just to test Isa's independent observational
skills) entering the house; "now, we don't know who all these
other callers are, some of them just say a few words to Ralphy, and
go, others stay for several hours, and yet others spend several days
and nights there, we suspect
there quite a few Embra Brahmins among them, but
Sam and Jasmine have facial recognition software which is out of our
league altogether, so I bet a penny to a pound,
they can come up with names and background for a lot of these
people!" at which point
Isa, always able to say, firmly, "no!" to the advances of a
Man who finds her steely gaze and the determined set of her jaw
attractive, but an enthusiastic yeasayer to any request from our
beloved Aunties, and forgetful of her recently debilitating illness,
jumped up with a cry of "yes!" accompanied with a tightly
clenched fist, and them promptly doubled over with a coughing fit
that racked her body and rather startled Daphne and Maude who have
been absent during the recent weeks of fever, sweats, shivers and
racking coughs – not to mention the days when she had lost her
voice and could only whisper – and as Milly wrapped a blanket and
her arms round Isa, to comfort and protect her, Daphne turned to me
and indicated that I
could perhaps stand in for the indisposed WPC!
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