Sentence The Sixhundredandthirtyfirst
Now, while Gordon Brevity and Bruce Bruse, the two Police Scotland Officers, were still in the air, amused and bemused by their two travelling companions and ardent fans of Donald Duck, DeeDee and CeeCee, seemed to have forgotten about the purpose of their journey to The Land of The Free (if you are a Billionaire) another flight had already come to rest at JFK and disgorged it's passengers - a lively throng of single men, hell-bent on fun and frolics in the lower depths of The Big Apple - including the two fugitives; Sir Parlane MacFarlane and Dominic Doubleday, were rather over-awed by this revolutionary mode of travel to a continent they had only very recently become aware of, were quite bemused by the huge numbers of people of all races and colours who milled about them, and as they walked across the tarmac, MacFarlane heard a fellow passenger observe to no-one in

particular: "in Oz we call that a mallee," gesturing towards a scrubby tract, and MacFarlane wondered where on earth could there be a place named simply Oz? this was a very strange New World into which he and Dominic had been catapulted, but they had passed what he believed to be the barbican of this vast castle into which they were following the throng, and they had barely entered when the Scottish Baronet observed a man and two women who stood slightly apart from the others and, in particular, the boards which the two women held aloft, bearing the names 'MacFarlane' and 'Doubleday' but failed to notice a small knot of men and women in black suits and white shirts (and blouses) who. with visages set and firm, were intently scanning the faces of the incoming passengers; MacFarlane quickly strode over to the three-person welcoming party and stopped, his eyes switching

between the two women, and said: "ah'm Sur Parlane, wha be ye wham ah addresseth?" and, while finding their accents strange, did understand them sufficient to agree to accompany them to a tavern;

meanwhile, the FBI Agents had formed a huddle, trying to understand how they had singularly failed to identify their quarry, when a rather petite brunette pointed in the direction of several departing backs: "that's them!" she cried and all eyes followed the direction of her pointing finger, and then they were on the move, rapidly reducing the distance, when disaster struck! it came almost out of no-where, and struck with such violence that the leading Agent, Walt Winterman tumbled over the small boy pulling a toy dog on wheels; Winterman went headlong and the boy screamed in fright, the following Agents tumbled over them, bringing down the boy's sister and their parents, blows began to

be exchanged between the father and the Agents, other Agents, in their haste, were quickly added to the pile, and joined in the scrap, bringing down more passing travellers, and in less time than it takes to tell, pretty soon a large area of the Departure Area was a seething mass of men and women, shouting, screaming, kicking and punching, and two Agents managed to knock each other out cold as

Airport Security arrived and started hauling struggling men and women from the affray, and it was only Agent Joanie Johnson who had kept her wits about her sufficiently to avoid the melee and now, with her gun drawn, raced down the tunnel after the five subjects who, quite oblivious to the scene of carnage behind them, were hurrying towards the taxi-rank: "Stop! FBI!" she screamed and when all else failed, fired a warning shot into the ceiling; but the bullet ricocheted and caught Dominic Doubleday in the shoulder, then exited his upper arm in a different direction and struck Sir Parlane MacFarlane in the thigh, bringing the two fugitives to the floor; Hyman Kaplan, Sadie Moskowitz and Rose Mitnick came to a halt and turned, their arms raised high, as Agent Johnson ran up to them: "Down! Down! Down!" the three journalists fell to the floor, knowing better than to remonstrate with

a lone woman Agent, brandishing a fire-arm which she had just discharged, wounding two men with a single shot and showing all the classic signs of stress and anxiety, who kept looking over her shoulder wondering when her back-up would arrive, and shouting into her microphone: "Chuck! Chuck! where are you, I've got them, two wounded, bring paramedics," when, suddenly and without hesitation, and in a single movement, MacFarlane drew a dirk from his sock and, wildly fulminating, stabbed her viciously in the leg!
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