The Sixhundredandthird

And yet, on
Christmas Eve in Milan, in 1495, Roxy Davidova did not feel the
slightest bit Christmassy: after all, here she was. in the company of
Laszlo Licinic, Peter Boo, Unity Mitford, Geli Raubal, Peter Lorre,
Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all, as far from home as she –
erroneously, as she would later learn for herself – thought
possible, and with no chance of sending word back to her family,
friends and political colleagues in the Unionist Party at Holyrood,
utterly bereft; true, she had become rather more than friendly with
Maria, sommelier in the local taverna and model for
The Virgin,
in another of Leonardo's paintings, but thus far, with the thirteen
models for The Upper Room milling about as well, it had been a
raucously testosterone-filled house they all lived in; Roxy was quite
surprised to find that the models took their job so seriously,
spending hours discussing their past histories, as narrated in the
Gospels, playing dreidel for small bets, and she felt they were

more like actors than simply models, until she came across a
dog-eared softback copy of Stanislavski's
The Actor Prepares
and that gave her a shock: it was in English, published in the
Wartime year 1940
and she found on the fly-leaf
the signature of Leslie Howard, famous
British actor, who had gone
missing in 1943 over the Bay of Biscay;
"how on Earth?" she wondered aloud, and when, during a lull
in mid-afternoon wassailing
rehearsals, she was able to
draw Maria away from the others, she showed her the book: "ha!
Master Less-lie!
he fancy himself as a great ac-tor, but he full of ham bones, try to
teach us models how to act, tell us we gotta think ourselves into the
person-ality of the person we represent – ha! is all old cheese,
me? do I look like a vir-gin? ho ho, can I remember being a vir-gin?
pah! Master Leonardo, he no wanta virgin, he wanta wo-man, he tell me
Maria, you looka like the Vir-gin oughta look, like butter melt in
your mouth – Vir-gin she is a
lusty wo-man, not a milky leeetle
gi-rl, Master Leonardo he know whatta he want, Master Less-lie
he a butterfly!" but Roxy was dying to know: "and this
Master Less-lie,
he is here?" and Maria
looked at her pityingly: "you no wanta Maria? you wanta ac-tor?
he nevva love you like Maria!"
no room for dubiety there, thought Roxy, flinging herself into the
embrace of Maria's ample bosoms!!!
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