The Fivehundredandninetysecond

The noise: was it the clomp of a foot,
the sounds of objurgation? whatever it was roused Gertie and Pal (for
we shall keep to the gender chosen for this mission) from their
post-coital slumber and they hurriedly dressed in nightwear and
dressing-gowns to see what was causing it; Prufrock's door was open
and he was addressing an hotel servant who wore the ostentatious
livery of a major-domo and

seemed only able to give footling replies
to J Alfred's interrogation of him; he turned as Pal and Gertie
entered the room expressing their concern: "I found this
blackguard going through my things, he doubtless thought I was deep
asleep, but his clumsiness aroused me," the man shook his head,
"no, sir, no, sir, I am sent by manager to ask your wellness, he
worry for your injuries, see!" he held out a black doctor's bad
and opened it to show an assortment of medical paraphernalia;
Prufrock seized the

bag and he and the man struggled until Pal
stepped forward and delivered a karate-chop to the back oh his neck;
the man fell senseless to the floor and Prufrock rummaged in the bag
before drawing out a Luger pistol: "hey presto!" he cried,
"I was right, he came to finish me off, look, see, it is fitted
with a silencer, no doubt if he had been successful with me, he would
have moved on to you, dear ladies - this is a professional assassin!"
and Pal asked what they should do with the man, before he recovered
or someone came to check on the success of his mission: "we must
silence him," said Prufrock and Gertie gasped in horror!
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