Sentence The Sixhundredandsecond
And as Christmas approached in Berlin, in 1938, Tannenbaum's sprouting in windows and public buildings, along with biting winds and flurries of snow, there was no dubiety in the minds of Palestrina MacFarlane and Gertie Mountcastle, and J Alfred Prufrock, whose sources in London had informed him of the British Government's decision not to respond to the Wehrmacht Generals' plea; Britain and France will not declare War on Germany, over the invasion of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland, which would have been the signal for a military coup to eliminate Hitler and the Nazi leadership, Pal and Gertie knew now that Word War II was inevitable and that millions would die terribly, unless they took the law into their own hands; it would be a suicidal mission, but one that the three were prepared to attempt: if they could only get close enough; Prufrock himself was quite aweless, and while the girls spent hours ruminating over the practicalities of an escape plan, he was quietly acquiring the tools necessary – logistical as well as weaponry; a contact in the Wehrmacht, close to Generalmajor Hans Oster, had told him that while they were bitterly disappointed at London's failure, they would still act if an assassination were successful: it would be their duty to bring stability after such an Act of Terrorism; and so, while the girls shopped in the Christmas
Market, he studied schedules and schematics, acquired a Waffen SS uniform, and cleaned and re-cleaned his Walther and practised his 'quick-draw' until he could unholster, raise and fire in three seconds (for the first shot) and empty the magazine in another 3; after that he would, in all probability, be dead – he certainly hoped he didn't survive to face the atrocities which his living body would certainly be subjected to! while the girls worked on the planning with him, he didn't tell them that they would not be playing the parts they intended, for this was a Mission which called for a 'lone gunman' and he planned to leave them out at the last moment: their job then would be to tell the world the truth about it, once they were safely in the British or American Embassy – being in possession of skilfully forged documents including both British and American Passports in their assumed identities of Pollyanna and Dolly Varden (known internationally as The Dolly Sisters) Oh! what a Lark!


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