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The Sixhundredandfifth
Well, the one thing you could
say about Father Mungo Macaneny was that despite his sesquipedalian
speech and his general air of disreputable spuriosity, he was
indubitably, indisputably. inherently, 100% absolutely, genuinely,
totally veridical and strictly up-front and, what's more, absolutely
de rigueur, so long as you didn't get close enough to smell the 40%
proof Highland Park on his breath, because that would,
let's be honest, give you some doubts as to his credibility as a
witness, indeed, his veracity as a Man of the Cloth, or, to put in
bluntly, his authority as a Priest; fortunately, when we
answered the loud knocking at the front door – Auntie May having
disconnected the doorbell "for the rest of the fucking year,"
just this morning – we were not so close to Fr Mungo's breath as to
be immediately intoxicated, for he stood behind Lulu and her Gurrrrl
from Gullane: would these be our last visitors of
2016, or just the first of the last, for despite Auntie May's
irascible remarks, she was as fond of visitors as we were, but she
did have the job as Domestic Burser, of finding beds and blankets for
our guests, as well as running the kitchen to feed everyone –
fortunately, the two Syrian mums were on holiday from their jobs at
the BGH and were keen to demonstrate their culinary abilities, much
to Auntie May's anxiety that straying too far from traditional 'Maw
Broon' fare might cause some digestive difficulties, but she was
a courteous hostess and had confided to Milly, Isa and me that she
was rather looking forward to having a break from doing all the
cooking herself, but not to let the Syrians know that, for she had
her curmudgeonly reputation to protect! and the Gurrrrls trooped in,
followed at a safe distance by Fr Mungo, who managed to detach
himself from his hat, coat, scarf and gloves without letting go of
the hip flask he held tightly in his right hand: "Ah. May!"
he cried, catching his first sight of our Auntie, "it brings joy
to my heart to see you looking as radiant as ever," which
brought a blush to her roots, and she attempted a light-hearted
laugh, which dissolved into a coughing fit: "here, sweet May,"
said Fr Mungo, pressing forward, hip flask extended, "take a
drop o the pure, it'll
cure all ailments, I swear by it," and
Auntie May took a sip, her coughing subsided, and she took another,
at which Fr Mungo extracted the flask from her grip: "moderation
in all things," he said, looking the very picture of
immoderation himself, "I look forward to experiencing once again
the delights of your culinary skills," and then he realised that
he held a lighted cigarette in his other hand: "oh Jeez,"
he cried, aghast, "forgive the tortfeasance, May," backing
out of the door, as though she had delivered a sockeroo, "but
I'll be back shortly, you know, my housekeeper is a Poor Clare, that
should be Poor Cook, all I'd have got over the festivities would have
been Bread and Margarine," drawing the ultima into a howl of
disgust, "I wish I'd got a Benedictine, they know how to have
some fun!" and Auntie May laughed, despite herself, "we'd
better check on the kitchens, Teri," she gathered me into her
embrace as we went down the stairs, "those children have a habit
of leaving their dermatoglyphics on the butter," but the
children were not in the kitchen, just Maya and Sera hard at work,
preparing lunch for twenty!
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