The Fivehundredandninetysixth
"When I was in
Cape Town," said Smiles to Jasmine, "I had a young
handlanger, very precise in following instructions – other than a
few trifling peccadilloes such as inserting an Afrikaans word instead
of the English one I had dictated – well, we knew that a certain
bunch of BOSS operatives were determined to target individuals they
had traced to London; we were tapping the kapellmeister's phones,
quite illegally, of course, and heard references to mafficking, by
which I misunderstood them to be meaning Mafeking, in the Sudan;
well, I dictated a wire to London but before it was sent I glanced at
the young chap's draft: 'what's this?' I asked, pointing to it,
particularly to a planned abduction in London! 'it's
to be Mafeking!' the boy laughed and said 'no, no, sir, mafficking is
a boisterous sort of action, but the target is in London, not
Mafeking,' well, I can't tell you how grateful I was that he had
spotted my mistake and indeed corrected it on his own initiative; so
you can understand, dear Jasmine, how pleased I am to have you, with
your skills and discretion at my disposal, as my Melrose Handlanger!"
at which Jasmine blushed to her roots, and then admitted to

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