The Sixhundredandfirst
"I'm not sure I
can get my head around all of this," said Sam, finding the
improbability of it all quite difficult for the different parts of
his brain to process; "you don't really have to understand,"
said Little Levy, "all you need to understand is that it is all
quite real, you can communicate with Tavish via the Moth Hole and he
can reply in the same way," and Sam grunted: "can I speak
into the bear, into Karla, and would he hear my voice?" but Levy
shook his head: "not yet, you must understand that this 'Time
Travelling' is an error, The Creator never intended people to be able
to move between Times, it actually isn't part of the Universe, it's a
kind or error-code, so no, you can't speak to him directly, but I
have an idea I would like to try, if you would help me with it,"
Sam nodded. and Levy continued: "I would like to insert a piece
of string into the Moth Hole, so that Tavish can draw it out at his
end, and we then connect the two ends to an amplifier,
we can
use a tin can," and Sam's face brightened, "and I suggest
that Tavish perhaps uses a drinking horn, or something like that,
which he can bore a hole through," Sam asked: "how long is
a piece of string?" but Levy waved the question away: "the
distance between the portals is irrelevant, it only exists in Theory
– our fingers touched, so it's almost non-existent," Sam
asked: "does it matter where the bear, Karla, is, is this room
or house part of the Moth Hole?" and Little Levy laughed at the
idea: "of course not, that would be silly, no the link is
between Karla and Tavish's cloak, or whatever it is he's wearing."
Sam nodded. thinking fast, "and you touched his finger?"
Levy replied: "very briefly, yes, but don't go getting the idea
that you can stretch the Hole and pull him through, that would
definitely not work!" Sam nodded, already doubting that even
Little Levy's idea of an adaptation of one of the toys of his own
childhood would probably fail but . . . . . what if it worked? "I
suppose," he asked, thinking as he spoke, "that the Moth
Hole or Worm Hole, has a structure of its own, a kind of endosteum,
some kind of membrane that separates the interior 'hole' from the
exterior Space/Time continuum, is that it?" Levy clapped his
hands, "just so, it is a tube of perhaps anything from a
millimetre to a million light years in length, but in this case, we
can safely say that the distance may be only 650 years, if you are
standing at almost the same spot as Tavish, so that the Space part of
the continuum is negligible, and it is only the Time element which
has any distance," and Sam's forehead creased, "so if
Spirits never die, are what we call 'ghosts' merely glimpses through
time of people who lived before us," Levy nodded, "and
after us," and Sam suddenly grinned, as if suddenly
understanding everything, "but if I am a Spirit, like you, why
don't I remember everything?" and Little Levy pouted: "the
reason, why I remember everything, must be because The Creator wants
me to, for I have never in all my existences come across another
Spirit with the same gift, it seems that every memory is wiped clean
after the body dies and the Spirit returns to The Creator – which,
of course makes it a lot easier for that Spirit to be born anew,
without all of the 'baggage' which I carry, although I have heard of
regression, in which patients can be hypnotised and remember past
lives, so maybe traces remain which it is possible to retrieve,"
the door opened and Jasmine looked in – I have sedated Rilla, she
was very distressed and confused – I think it was a mistake to let
her hear you speaking to us," she said to Little Levy, who burst
into tears; Jasmine picked him up and rocked him in her arms, while
talking in a soothing voice; Sam stood up, holding Karla in his hand:
"I will tell her a parable, while she sleeps, it may help her to
make sense of this afternoon," he said, "you should
probably change Little Levy and put him in his cot, is that ok?"
and Jasmine nodded, then took the baby to his nursery; when he sat
beside Rilla, who seemed to be sleeping soundly but was in fact
tranquillized by the drug administered by her cousin and receptive to
what Sam would say, he told her of the visit this afternoon and how
he, Sam, wanted to demonstrate some of his skills as a Children's
Entertainer, and had held Levy's attention by making Karla disappear
and re-appear, and then did some ventriloquism, using Karla as a doll
and giving her a squeaky voice, and then making it seem as if Levy
himself was speaking; while Sam spoke, the afternoon faded into the
crepuscular light of early evening, and he began to feel a need for a
glass of plonk, so brought the story to a conclusion by saying that
after Rilla had fallen asleep, Jasmine put Levy to bed and it was
probably time for Rilla to begin to waken in time for tea; after a
few minutes, Rilla turned and saw Sam sitting near her: "oh,
gosh, did I drop

off?" she asked, sitting up and rubbing her
eyes, "yes," replied Sam, "I guess I need to stick
with the day job, your little chap wasn't impressed and started
crying, luckily Jasmine is better at dealing with that than I am, so
she changed him and put him down for a nap, I hope that is alright?"
at which Rilla stood up: "absolutely, Uncle Sam. he still needs
an afternoon nap or he can get rather crotchety, I'd better go and
see to him," and after a little, Jasmine returned: "she
seems quite contented now," she said, "and the wee laddie
said we can take Karla, maybe say we're going to get his stitching
sorted, but he'd like to know how we get on," and Sam smiled:
"we'll get him a duplicate and when we bring it, we'll let him
know if we've managed to talk directly to Tavish!"
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