Which is how it came
to be that Bernie Cohen learned the truth about The Intruder AKA
Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering AKA Hamish MacDonald the After: for
once he and Sadie Glenfinnan reached her apartment in a tenement hard
by The Clansman, she told him her story, which she had told no other:
"av only kent Jessie MacDonald an The Cabbage (sorry, thon's
whit ah cry her hubby, cos it's the cabbage that lets him keep Jessie
in style) fer twa years," she said, "since ah arrived here;
ah wis a dancer in the KitKat Klub in Berlin, in 1938 an ah wiz raped
an beaten up by a big muckle galoot in SS uniform, wha followed me
into the
Herren toilets whaur ah'd gone cos ah wis in a hurry
an the
Frauleine's wis a wee bit further awa, well this SS man
ca'd Wolfgang wis a richt horny bastard, an he follered me in and
thare's whaur he raped me an gied me a doin, but ah managed tae
kickim in the goolies," she cackled with glee, "an rin oot
afore he'da kilt me, o that am positive; weel ah opened the wrang
door at the far end o the toilets an fund masel in a Hotel lavvy in

Glenfinnan, witch is hoo that's ma name, ma mither did genealogical
research years ago an tho it's a long time ago, fact is a
quinquennium this very year, yin o ma ancestors wis a lairdie there,
Fergis Glenfinnan so mebbe that's why ah ended up therr; but ah'd nae
British money in ma purse an yince a fund oot ah wis in 1943 – five
years efter jist twa meenits afore, an there wis a bloody war oan
atween Germany an Britain ah got rid o ma Reichsmarks doon the pan
PDQ and bein a part-time whoor ah soon hustled up enuff spondulux ta
get here in Glesca; ah've bin readin aboot it in Auld Bert Einstein's
Theiry o Generals Relatives
an ah consider masel related tae naebdy!" and Bernie understood
her story, for he'd been thinking along the same lines – he knew
there had to be portals at either end of a Wormhole but they may not
necessarily always be constant and he was reminded of a game of
Snakes and Ladders, not with the actual snakes and ladders printed
and static on the board, but rather fluid and flexible and liable to
change at any moment, and three-dimensions not two, and then the
thought came that time added a fourth dimension and he realised that
he wasn't an Einstein, just a Glasgow solicitor – but it had struck
him as possible that the very same door Sadie used had also enabled
The Intruder to arrive in the O'Hare flat; "but are you not
German then. Sadie?" he asked and she laughed, "Hell no,
bro, I'm a red, white and blue Yankee Doodle, but because I'd been in
Berlin for about four years I was kinda scared about contacting any
authorities – I'd no papers, they must've fallen out my purse in
the Herren, they were the last thing I was bothered about when I made
a dash for the door," and Bernie studied her, "so how did
you find your way about here in wartime, all the direction signs,
milestones and town names and even many street names were taken down
in case of spies," and Sadie laughed, "my mom was a
Clydebank girl, she met ma faither before the first war, he was in
the Merchant Marine and his ship made regular runs across the
Atlantic, after a crossing the

crew got a couple of days ashore while
she was unloaded and reloaded, he made friends with one of the
regular stevedores and later was invited to his home, where he met
the daughter, who he married here - my Grampa Corrance was an old ILP
man and he had a fondness for America. especially Tom Paine's roll in
The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution and the fact
that the political system is a laity so he and my dad, who was, is, I
hope still is, who's a Union man got on well - and took across the
Ocean, they settled in New Jersey, that's where my brothers
and sisters and I were all

born, I'm the youngest, we had tartan
carpets and a Saltire out on the front stoop, along with Old Glory,
she had maps showin where Old Fergie's descendants dispersed to, in
Scotland and abroad, Canada, The States, we were all familiar with
Scotland - names, places, dates of battles and kings and queens, the
only thing we didn't have was Scottish accents, even mom lost hers
over the years, but my old Clydebank Grannie moved over to stay with
us when I was five and she lived till I was

twelve, I spent hours
talking with her but mostly listening to what she said and how she
spoke, I've always had an ear for languages and that's how I went to
Germany in the Thirties - it was a tour of European Capitals,
American Vaudeville, a bit like your Music Hall, but slicker, we had
musicians, singers, dancers, comics, everything, even jugglers and
vents, anyway, in Warsaw I fell in love with a German Baron, Graf von
Seersucker, threw in the show and moved in with him - it lasted six
weeks and I caught him balling the cook," and Bernie had clocked
that she had lost her broad Glasgow accent and was beginning to sound
like the New Yorker she had been, he asked: "and you walked
out?" – she laughed: "he threw me out, I hadn't a
shekel, the show had moved on and probably forgotten all about me, so
I learned how to hustle – the stage is a great schoolroom, if you
can survive six weeks on Coney Island you can survive anywhere, and I
did: I did pink-collar work in diners,

worked as a nurse in Prague –
till they found out my uniform came from a theatrical costumier –

walked the streets in a few cities when I hadn't a Mark, a Yen, a
Buck or a Pound, or whatever the currency is, but at the risk of
turning this into somethin else, can I offer you a beer, or somethin
more soporific? and Bernie was aware of her voice becoming softer,
gentler, susurrating, as she continued

to talk about herself – that
was the thing about women, he thought to himself, they love to talk
about themselves, all you have to do is ask the odd question, nod and
murmur vaguely, and they go on and on and on and . . . . . . . . . .
Sadie smiled as she saw that he was fast asleep, laid a blanket over
him and turned out the light.
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