The Fivehundredandthirtythird
Levy Balquhidder gurgled and played with his mobile, above the cot;
his spirit had a lot of thinking to do: as Pherson Dalwhinnie he had
known Professor Sir Clement Dane but had been unaware of Dane's
involvement with whatever was going on inside the Eildons – he
didn't now buy the two Professors' claim to be innocently embroiled
in the mysterious things that had been happening and it was only
after reading the article in the Southern Reporter that he even knew
of the exploration which had resulted in the disappearance of Roxy
Davidova, leader of the Unionist Party, now the Official Opposition
at Holyrood! this was the first time he had really railed internally
about the imprisonment of babyhood - previously these first months
and years had been a welcome respite after the physical and mental
activity of his immediately previous life, so now he began to take
advantage of his parents' (Rary and Rilla) habit of leaving
newspapers, letters, and books lying around: in the brief periods
when they were both out of the the living room he devoured everything
he could reach and they laughed to find him playing happily on the
floor with an eviscerated

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