The Fivehundredandfiftysixth
And that was the
very moment when three significant things happened simultaneously:
Firstly – Reichsmarschall Herman Goering pushed his way back into
the Herren below the Kit Kat Klub in Berlin 1938, but
unfortunately the door slammed behind him so hard that it seemed to
have fused with the frame and, no matter how forcefully they pushed,
and pulled, the two Gestapo officers who had been hot on his heels
were unable to effect an entry, and by the time they summoned a
joiner who could take the door off its hinges, they found that the
doorway behind it had been bricked up and by the look of the wall
that faced them, at least 50 years earlier; "if it's the Herren
you want, gentleman," said the joiner, "it's over there
beside the Frauen, see?" and they did see, just as
clearly as they had seen Goering open this door and rush
through what now was an impassable wall, so, giving the joiner ten
extra Marks for his trouble, the two watched him climb the stairs and
then, in a hurried conversation, agreed that they would erase all
memory of what they had seen, write no report, return to the local
office where Goering had found them, and say nothing more to anyone
about the little mystery; and Goering? oh, he had passed through the
lavatory and out the opposite door which led into a little corridor
with doors on either side and another facing him, at the far end of
the corridor,

and the door he had come through had slammed shut and,
if he had been able to open it, or remove it from it's hinges, he
would have found an airing-cupboard full of towels and bed linen and
a wicker hamper containing the clothes which had been grown out of
but which would be useful for others to grow into; it was very
strange indeed! but perhaps even stranger was the group of people who
emerged from the different rooms, because Secondly, Connor and
Kathleen O'Hare and their eleven children quickly filled the hallway
and began to berate the burglar – or "whatever the Hell you
fuckin' are," - for invading their home and wanting to know who
he was and how he had got in and that they didn't give a flying fuck
who he was or how he'd got in, he'd just fucking well get out again
and, without ceremony, Connor O'Hare – a
Fenian from County
Clare who now drove buses for Glasgow Corporation – grabbed the
interloper by his collar and the seat of his pants and, for a man of
slighter build than the obese stranger, demonstrated fiercer and more
powerful strength and propelled him along the corridor, through the
Front Door of the apartment, and frog-marched him down three flights
of stairs at a run and out into the Gorbals night, hurling him onto
the road, where a lorry just missed him by a bare three inches and
telling him to "fuck off back to where you came from," and
Thirdly, oh yes thirdly: was when Gertie Mountcastle opened the door
of the suite in their hotel, which she and Pantagruel MacFarlane
shared, and found Joseph Goebbels standing there in his best black
dress SS raiment and shaking with fury that his party had lost their
taxi-cab to "that ensorcell mountebank,

Gunther Grebeling and the
two Scottisch prostitutes," which aroused so much righteous
indignation from Gertie, who categorically insisted that neither she
nor her friend were prostitutes, nor had left their room all evening.
and was so convincing that Goebbels, invited into the suite to avoid
the embarrassment of other guests and hotel staff overhearing what
was being said, became so smitten by the charms and wiles of Pal –
whom he quickly perceived had aristocratic, perhaps even Royal, and
most certainly Aryan, blood flowing in her veins – that he went
down on one knee and offered her his most heartfelt apologies for
associating her and her young friend with a man of Grebeling's lowly
status and offering her whatever inducements he could to win over her
undoubted charms to the aid of his Party in avoiding the conflict
which he feared might come if other European nations did not show due
respect to his Fuhrer over the issue of Lebensraum and Pal, to her
credit, did not make reference to the poor man's disability but
allowed him to believe that he had made quite a conquest and that she
would definitely partner him on a visit to the Opera next evening and
when he had left, rubbed her hands with glee and admitted to Gertie
that everything was going swimmingly and her goal – the
assassination of Adolf Hitler – was one step nearer it's
satisfactory conclusion! and while Pal and Gertie were toasting each
other's sterling performance, here, in Berlin, in the Summer of 1938,
away across to the furthest western fringe of Europe, on a blustery
cold morning, the dejected figure of Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering,
his clothes soiled and filthy dirty from rolling through oily
puddles, rainbow-variegated in the glow of sodium street-lights,
staggered he knew not where, certainly this was a district of Berlin
he did not recognise, until he stopped by a Newsagent's door, from
which light spilled out and illuminated a poster which he tried to
read, but the black-on-white print might have been greeking in some
gobbledygook language for all the sense it made, none of it meant
anything to him and, wondering if perhaps he had been concussed in
his fall, he staggered past and round the corner, which was why he
had not realised that the
Glasgow Herald of
Wednesday the 16th of October 1946 carried the shocking headline that
'Goering Commits Suicide in Nuremberg!'
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