The Fivehundredandfortynineth

So, when Palestrina
and Gertie tumbled out of the taxi with Gerhard, amid much hilarity
and rollicking, they all clung to each other to remain on their feet,
as the world spun around them and Gerhard searched for his keys; but
once he had them he was just able to open the door and they all piled
in and he led the way, up a wide flight of stairs, unsteadily and
with several backward steps – which had the girls squealing behind
him, pushing him forward so that he wouldn't topple over and take
them all down to the bottom, then, at last, they were in his
apartment; both girls gazed around in wonder: the man was a shambles,
sprawled on a sofa and grinning inanely at them, but the furniture
and walls were a baroque fantasy – gold and gilt chairs and sofas,
upholstered in rich brocades, stood

on a magnificent Persian carpet;
the paintings on the walls looked like a random collection of
splendours from the last five centuries of European art. and there
were just small gaps between the frames which showed the Chinese wall
fabric; "it's like a mad collector's art gallery," said an
awe-struck Gertie, holding tight to Palestrina for balance; "yes,"
said Pal, in a whisper, despite the fact that Gerhard was now snoring
loudly, "but these have all been stolen or bought for a pittance
from Jewish collectors desperate to leave Germany, it's plunder,
Gertie, and it will take fifty years and more for the rightful owners
to have them restored – you and I know that the madness gripping
Germany will prove evanescent, the Thousand Year Reich will last a
little over ten, but will destroy millions of lives in the most
brutal manner imaginable, and even unimaginable; compared to that,
the systematic theft of artworks may seem trivial, but it is highly
symbolic – if you rob people of their culture, their art, their
civilisation, their identity, even before you take their lives, you
strike at the very core of what being a human means," and from
her beaded dress handbag, Palestrina took the smallest camera Gertie
had ever seen and began taking photographs of the paintings,
sculptures, furnishings and rugs, and when she had finished with this
room, she helped Gertie to manoeuvre Gerhard through to what they
guessed was his bedroom – there were three altogether, but this was
the only one where the bed was made up – and undress him; he had
not woken while they were walking him through and now he lay on his
back, spreadeagled and snoring just as loudly: "we'd better put
him in the recovery position before we go," said Pal, "but
before we do that we'd better leave him a parking ticket!" and
Gertie looked quizzically at her friend, who explained: "we want
him to think he had a great time, so take hold of his dick and bring
it to full erection, if he hasn't had too much alcohol to prevent it,
then wank him and direct his cum onto these," handing Gertie a
pair of knickers from her handbag, and leave them in his hand, see,
they are embroidered with my initials and I'm going to drop a letter
addressed to me at the Hotel, just under the bed, with a corner
poking out, so he'll find it; the poor sap will have no recollection
but will happily believe the evidence of his senses and that will
paint a suitably carnal scene in his mind that we will probably hear
from him sometime tomorrow, or," she glanced at a gold
carriage-clock on the mantle-piece, "later today, so hurry,
hurry, dearest," and hurry, hurry, Gertie did, managing at first
nervously – for she had never before handled a Male Member in her
life. and was rather taken aback at the size it reached after a few
hesitant tugs

– then with greater confidence and determined grip,
until the first bead of pre-cum appeared at the tip and Palestrina
deftly held the silk panties around the head in time for the generous
gush of cum squirted into them; she stuffed them into Gerhard's large
right hand and, once he was safely in the recovery position and she
had sprayed some musky perfume onto the pillows and sheet, they
quietly tiptoed out of the room, through the apartment, and down
stairs where they emerged into the rain-swept night and luckily
caught a passing cab to take them back to their hotel; in their
excitement, neither of them noticed the glow of a cigarette in a
darkened doorway opposite, or heard the muttered: "very
interestink, but also verrrry strange," as the watcher checked
his wristwatch and scribbled the time of their departure in his
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