The Fivehundredandfortyfourth

Little Levy
Balquhidder remembered with a crystal clarity that night(or it might
have been midday) when he was Laszlo Licinic, sitting with that
motley crew in one of the dingy bedrooms in a strange apartment house
corridor, a food desert in between deliveries of the most mundane and
bland foodstuffs they could imagine, explaining the principles of
Quantum Mechanics, String Theory and the 13 Dimensions using the kind
of lexicon which might be available in
Multiple Universes for
Dummies; he knew they were finding it increasingly difficult to
follow, but when he got on to Wormholes in the fabric of the Universe
and the Space-Time Continuum he had their full attention: "so
that is how we have all been able to come here from different times
and places?" asked Roxy Davidova, the brightest of the bunch,
"because all times and places are actually one and the same?"
asked Geli Raubal; "well not so much the places, though they are
all linked, but the times are all

happening concurrently as well as
consecutively, and that is why you sometimes feel as if you have been
somewhere before, because you have, and think you are seeing a ghost,
when what you are actually glimpsing is a different time in the same
place; you have to remember that we are all, literally everything in
the entire Universe, the Universe itself, contained within the
Creator's mind; "we are just his imagination?" asked Peter
Boo, rather a pedestrian solicitor: "nothing is just anything

even imaginary," said Laszlo, "all is real, but located
within the Creator's mind which is quite unlike our own minds,"
and Martin Elginbrod snorted, ever the objurgate: "what a load
of crap! are we really going to listen to this drivel? it's time we
forced a door and escaped into the Real World beyond, and get as far
as we can from this shite!" which was when his eyes began to
bulge, his eardrums popped, his heartbeat slowed to an intermittent
rate and he gasped for air! "oh dear," said Laszlo, "I
rather think the Creator is displeased with him; there are a strain
of spirits which would test the patience of Job by their unacceptable
attitudes and behaviours; no matter how many chances they are given,
with opportunities for ritual lavation, it can take a millennium
before they see the error of their ways, see the light, repent and
receive his blessing; most of us swing about in the spectrum and
after a life of wickedness, can devote several to altruistic and
selfless ways of aiding our fellows, but I think the Elginbrods have
become so entrenched that there is little more we can expect of them,
when I say
we, I do, of course mean
He; I wouldn't be
surprised if this is the end of the road for this particular spirit,"
and as they watched Elginbrod wriggle and writhe and shudder and
shake, he began to diminish before them, so rapidly that it was like
watching a balloon being burst in slow motion rather than just
hearing the POP! and then it was gone;
he was gone, leaving
only a slightly sulphuric

hint in the atmosphere; and a shadow seemed
to hang briefly in the air and then it too was gone: "that was
his Spirit, going back to The Creator, and I don't think it will be
here again for a long, long time!"
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