Sentence The Fivehundredandthirtyfifth
#Dadadumpling started his career as a whistle-blowing scourge of the local Political, Criminal and Social scene with a scathing attack on the relationship between the two Professor Sir Clement Danes and Deputy Chief Constable Sir Duncan Doubleday, citing another identity he had created – Laura Norder, with it's obvious etymological root – and, drawing on the knowledge he still retained in crystal clarity from his previous life as Pherson Dalwhinnie, he used his skills as a demagogue and linked those three with the leading members of The Ring of Gold: The Duke of Albany – one of those aristocrats who might almost pass for having Down syndrome, but behind their 'nice but dim' appearance and demeanour are possessed of all the cruel wit and savagery of a de Sade; Martin Elginbrod WS and Ranulph Ochan'toshan, likening them to MacBeth's Three Witches and describing them as leaders of a paedophile coven or cabal dedicated to the despoliation of childhood through their predatory sexual, and sadistic practices; to say he started with a Bang! and made a Bigger
Splash than even he had anticipated, is to put it very, very, mildly; the posts on Twitter and Facebook quickly went viral: he had included several dates and locations which he knew they would find it hard to disprove and he sat back in his pram – with Rilla's missing mobile silently vibrating at his feet, safely inside his favourite Teddy, whom he had named Dummed, and could almost swear he had heard and felt the Earth Move, as ripples spread backward and forward, criss-crossing and intermingling, until the whole South of Scotland was awash with gossip, rumour, innuendo and calls for resignations, for public enquiries and heads to roll on the tarmacadam roads that hummed with traffic; Little Levy Balquhidder played with his mobile and gurgled happily as Rilla pushed the pram towards Myra's house at the Darnick end of High Cross Avenue!


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