The Fivehundredandthirtieth

But the shocked face
was not that of Martin Elginbrod, it was Peter Boo – and it quickly
turned to anger: "you asked me to take the brief for Ranulph
Ochan'toshan," he raged, "and when he was released from
custody he asked me to take him to the Dike of Albany's Palace, where
I was drugged, God only knows what they did to me, I was shackled in
a dungeon, only managed to escape thanks to my lifelong study of
Harry Houdini's escapology techniques and rushing through the woods
fell and banged my head and woke up here – I should sue you, I will
sue you and your friends, for wrongful imprisonment and subjecting me
to despicable abuses and . . . . ." he was paused by the hand of
the young woman at his side, "Peter," she said, "we
are in Germany, in the 1930s, we don't know how or if we will ever
return home, let it go, let it go," and her soft tone had an
immediate effect on Boo, he hung his head and took deep breaths, "I'm
sorry, Roxy," he said, "it's the shock of seeing him

the man who brought about everything which has happened to me
since I took the call from his Clerk," and he sat heavily on one
of the wooden chairs, and put his head in his hands; which was when
the young woman spoke to Elginbrod: "we have not met, sir,"
she said, continuing the quiet tone she had used when speaking to
Peter Boo, "but I too know who you are, can you tell us how you
came to be here?" and Elginbrod swung his legs off the bed and
pushed himself up to a sitting position; and he told them what had
happened at Trumpington Towers; when he finished there was silence
for several minutes and then the German spoke: "I too came here
following a mishap, an accident, well, to be honest, I tried to take
my own life, I had become too closely identified with a character I
had played in a movie, and I was pursued – but not by fans, by
people who don't know the difference between an actor and the
character he portrays; they painted this on my back," he turned
to show them the large 'M' daubed on his coat, "and whenever I
change my coat, it appears on the new one, it can never
but always seems to soak through from my body beneath, I believed
that the only way to end it was to end my life, and I hanged myself –
tied a rope to a beam. while standing on a chair, placed the noose
around my neck and jumped; and when I opened my eyes I found myself
here; and here I have been for days and weeks, I can only guess:
there are no windows, the doors at either end of the corridor do not
open, there is no way out – and yet you have all appeared here,
like me, and I do not know how or why," and Elginbrod asked: "is
there any food? for I'm starving," and Roxy nodded: "food
comes, though we do not know how, or from whom; there are only three
of us – well, four now, and cannot keep watch inside each of the
five rooms at the same time, and the food always appears in one of
the empty ones, just as you appeared here, but it is pretty
nothing to offend or particularly enjoy, bland, but perfectly edible.
. . . ." which was when Lorre turned to her: "please!"
he said sharply, "not to be
naif, this is no skylark, it
is seriously deadly, maybe we are at the top of the Empire State
Building, or deep in the bowels of the Earth, we can contact no-one.
nobody can contact us, we are like the understory among the roots of
a forest and may die here and none shall grieve," and tears
began to course down his moon-face, and Roxy put her arms around
him and began to rock him as if he were a baby, "hush, hush,
Peter, I am sure they are looking for us, aren't they, guys?"
and Boo and Elginbrod glanced dumbly at each other and neither made
the slightest reply!
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