The Fourhundredandsixth

Earlier, Doc Foster
asked Dane: “hey. Prof, can you compose a sentence with the words
'happenchance', 'giant-killer', 'jeopardize' and 'hypnagogic' in it?”
and the Professor chuckled, “you just did!” which got a laugh
from the medic, “funny, but seriously, I've been racking my brains
all morning, whyn't you have a go?” so Danes stretched his arms and
legs, then put his hands behind his head and said: “okay, how about
'She was only a
happenchance giant-killer, with rosy cheeks and golden locks,
But the giant's
hypnagogic daydreams jeopardized his chances of making a clean
and Foster gave him
a high-five, “good one, sir, pretty neat.” and poured him a
measure of Bourbon from the case that had been included in the latest
supply-drop; now they were sitting in the big

Cavern, where Sir
Clement Dane had first woken from his dazed stupor, first encountered
the platoon of American soldiers, first learned that he had
inadvertently come into a forward base in Vietnam at the height of
the War; they were drinking rather good coffee, fortified with the
Bourbon, and smoking Lucky Strikes, all of which had just been hauled
in from the placement high above; he asked Captain Dick Turpin about
the topography of the hill, or, rather, he had described the
topography of The Eildon Hills, and told the Captain and his non-coms
– a battle hardened Sergeant and a couple of Corporals, with 'Doc'
Foster alongside; he had told them of his own reasons for travelling
to the place he described, what he knew from his own invitation:
three individuals from the past who had somehow popped out of the
rocks and told their stories to the police and renowned historians
who, along with Forensic Specialists from the Department based at
Heriot Watt had verified their stories, using DNA screenings, and
even fingerprints found on old documents at the National Library and
Abbotsford House; his listeners were wide-eyed, amazed, yet willing
to accept his account at face value; Turpin had confirmed his
descriptions of the Hills, and also told him of the Platoon's
arrival, in a tank, with additional soldiers hanging on to the back,
picked up en route; and about the effects of

the anti-tank mine which
had disabled the machine, the fire-fight which had pursued their race
for cover, and how they had managed to find it among the gorse which
grew thickly and half-hid the entrance; and their strange discovery
of four comatose western men, apparently hospitalised in the depths,
but without any attendant personnel; and the almost unbelievable
'coincidence' of Dane's recognition of one of them, which matched the
personal effects which had come from the man's pockets; “I don't
believe in coincidence,” said the captain, “me neither.” said
the medic, “there's always a connection, if you look hard enough,”
and Dane was grateful for the young man's confirmation; Captain
Turpin looked levelly at Dane: “so, Prof, what would you do? walk
out in broad daylight and just hope to hell you're right, and not
walking into the sights of a VC sniper? cos I can't risk putting any
of my men into that scenario, there still has to be the possibility
that either you are just wrong, or it's a trap and you are part of it
– I don't know why or how; well the why is easy if it's a trap –
the VC would love to parade us in Hanoi in front of TV cameras and
you can't deny that,” and despite himself, Dane couldn't fault the
young officer's logic, was also impressed by his protectiveness
towards the men he commanded; Dane had been a young subaltern in the
Intelligence service, taken out of University in the lead-up to
D-Day, and had seen young men of his own age blown to bits as they
crawled and ran and fell on the Normandy Beaches, necessary
sacrifices which

enabled the successful landings to begin the Allies'
counter-invasion and the start of the Nazi's fall; he had spent time
in Berlin in the aftermath of the war, interviewing and de-briefing
captured or surrendered enemy officers, administrators and others
whose insistence that they 'were only following orders, as any
soldier must' fell on deaf ears, for he had seen the Death Camps and
heard first-hand stories of the bleakest inhumanity that these
apologists then tried to minimise as mere administrative procedures,
commanded by their superiors; no, he could not
fault Captain Turpin, so what, then,
did he want? and then he
asked what he probably should have asked earlier: “how did you know
about the Cairn where your supplies could be found?” and it was
Turpin's turn to feel slightly foolish, “it was the first radio
signal we received here, well the last, too, the only one before
something happened to our equipment, it just said that supplies would
be dropped every third night, for pick-up under cover of darkness,
hidden in a cairn, and gave the co-ordinates: 548322,” and Dane
asked the obvious question: “is that in Vietnam?” and Turpin
looked to his Sergeant, who said bluntly: “maybe yes, maybe no,
it's classified information but it pretty much tallies with this
location on our compasses, but you gotta remember, electro-magnetic
forces in mountains can mean a wild variation from the norm. our
compasses were spinnin' like tops when we woke up here . . . .”
Dane looked him in the

eye: “you woke up here?” and the Sergeant
shrugged, “we'd been runnin' hell for leather, with explosions on
all sides and kinda fell into this cave, everyone was roasted and we
all passed out, least everyone agrees that's what happened, and then
we got woke up with the radio barkin' and that was our last message,
an' the compasses eventually settled and everythin', checked out,
includin' the heap of stones where we found the first cache,” and
Dane nodded, “and you've been here ever since?” and this time it
was the three men who nodded, and Dane continued: “the grid
reference is for The North Eildon – we have categories for Hills
and Mountains in Scotland: the highest are called Munros, then we
have Corbetts, lots of people work their way through the list,
'bagging' them, a bit like Trainspotters, but more active, and the
third category, which The Eildons come into are called Marilyns, just
a bit of fun really, you know, a play on words, Marilyns and Munros,
like Marilyn Monroe, anyway, that's not relevant: I can't confirm the
date, cos time and space seem to stretch and warp in these Hills, but
I think I'm on 'Safe Ground' if I extend to you the hand of
friendship and welcome you to Bonnie Scotland,” which was when the
dormant volcano seemed to give a cough, and the whole world exploded!
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