The Fourhundredandtenth
But that was
precisely how it happened that Professor Sir Clement Dane became the
first genuinely and independently verified person to meet himself
coming back and it happened just like this: Sir Clement was both
travelling to Melrose in a train pulled by the famous Flying Scotsman
locomotive, No. 60103 in it's LNER Green Livery, with, sitting in a
corner seat reading one of his own books, while keeping a weather eye
on those irritating relatives of his, his own personal daemons,
Professors Maude Lyttleton and Daphne Dumbiedykes diagonally facing
him from further down the carriage, while, at exactly the same time,
nose still carrying traces of the succus from that blasted cricket
bat, he was also being driven at breakneck speed in an Ambulance from
Dingleton Hill to Tweedbank Station which is the Borders Railway's
busy terminus and both ambulance and train arrived at almost exactly
the same time, although the train was slightly the later in coming to
a complete stop, which is how the Sir Clement who had arrived by
ambulance had time to climb out, assisted by the enthusiastic Trainee
WPC Gertie Mountcastle and walk onto the platform in time to see the

eminent lady professors disembark followed by several
nonentities, laughing and gossiping as such empty-heads tend to do,
and then the stately appearance of the other Sir Clement in the
carriage doorway, glancing hither and thither in the hope of being
noticed and recognised as, noticed and recognised he most
undoubtedly was, by himself! and when their eyes met, as assuredly
they did, the train-borne Sir Clement started, astonished to
recognise himself looking keenly at himself and was nonplussed,
utterly and for once completely lost for words, while his other self
– having had some foreknowledge of the encounter - simply strode up
to himself, tipped his hat to the other who, for

don't let it be said
that Sir Clement is not every inch the gentleman, tipped his in
return, and then offered his hand, which he took and both Sir
Clements shook hands with each other: it was a photographer for the
Border Telegraph who happened to be lounging about as such
people are wont to do and who noticed the meeting, gave a somewhat
theatrical 'double-take' and rushed forward to record the encounter
for posterity, sensing a story, despite not knowing the identity of
the two elderly gentlemen greeting one another, but then she, the
photographer, saw Gertie standing close by and whispered
voce to her: “what's up, Doc? what's the story here? whit div
ye ken, hen?” and the ebullient Trainee WPC, who had asked the Sir
Clement whom she had accompanied in the ambulance what was going on,
gave the photographer the scoop of her career and as Honeysuckle
Horton -

having already given Gertie her card with an invitation to
meet for a drink later, an invitation Gertie readily agreed to, not
being terribly happy with her present 'single' state and rather
liking Honeysuckle's pink hair - dashed off to file her story and
photographic evidence of not only Time Travel, but also the
possibility of interaction with the past and even the ability to
influence it through the medium of Quantum Mechanics and Parallel
Universes, not to mention Quantum Collisions and the permeability of
the fabric of Space/Time itself, a notion she was sure her own editor
would pooh-pooh, but would be far more readily accepted by the editor
of the national
Sumoon with its Day and Night
Editions for she was already thinking way beyond her immediate
future: a drinks-and-maybe-more date with the cute Trainee WPC
followed by the nationals, photo-journalism, the next top war
correspondent, or maybe undercover reportage and breaking into TV, oh
her head was fair brimming with possibilities! now, while Ms Horton's
head swam at the possibilities ahead of her, the two Sir Clement
Danes had experienced something of a metanoia, perhaps not quite akin
to St Paul's Damascene Conversion, but still pretty high up the
rankings, become engrossed in conversation - their knowledge of
everything prior to the moment of their stepping off the train being
common, it was the month that the entombed Dane believed he had spent
with the Americans, who thought they were in Vietnam, that proved to
be the most talked about, mulled over, considered, weighed, examined,
and dissected, especially by the one who hadn't been there, until he
had spoke of the four 'patients' in The Hold and mentioned
that one was DCC Duncan Doubleday! and
that brought Gertie out
of her reverie regarding the photographer and she stepped forward:

about DCC Doubleday?” she asked and the great Dane who had
spoken that name turned and gave Gertie the look for which he was
renowned and dreaded in equal measure and invariably turned
undergraduates to jelly and said, with all the superciliousness at
his disposal: “I believe you to be a common Constable, please take
us to your Leader!” and the other Dane echoed himself with: “your
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