The Threehundredandeightyseventh

Roxy Davidova was
over the moon, cock-a-hoop, almost delirious with joy, as she tried
to explain the Scottish Parliamentary Election Results to a somewhat
bemused Lizzie Bennett who could not grasp why anyone would get so
excited about winning a lot of seats: “how many chairs could one
person need?” she asked but her question was lost as Roxy gave
another whoop, jumped in the air and

wrapped Lizzie in her arms
kissing her face ecstatically: “Chrissie Claverhouse beat off that
Cowherd woman with the 17 children who trooped after her to every
meeting and photo-call, now don't tell a soul how happy that makes me
cos Mrs Cowherd was my Party's choice for SMEL,” and Lizzie butted
in: “whaddayamean, Smell?” she was picking up Americanisms from
the TV which she had befriended when
Pride and Prejudice came
on and she could follow her namesake's progression through the story;
“no, darling it's not a Pong, it's S-M-E-L which are the initials
for South Midlothian and Ettrick and Lauderdale,” she laughed and
kissed Lizzie delightedly – no-one could accuse her of turpitude
now that her Unionist Party had moved into Second Place with their
increased tranche of MSPs and would be the Official Opposition to
whatever Coalition the nationalists (led by her dear cousin Ginger
Goldfish) could cobble together: possibly with the Workers Party (led
by another darling cousin Jinty Moncrief), or the Greens (with her
sweet cousin Leigh Waters as their Chairperson); indeed the only the
only Party Leader she was thankfully not related to was that
disgusting and rather smelly Knut Knonsense of the
United Christian Kingdom Independence Together Un-European
Party (otherwise referred to
as SUCKITUP) - “but
let us refect, my sweet, Coffee And is called for methinks, when she
suddenly had a thought: “oh I think we should send a note to that
poor man Jim, his party, you know, the one everyone forgets about,
with the woolly hats and sandals, I think they've lost more seats
than they started with – it's some sort of supererogation, and it's
like an Act of God in insurance policies, and the poor man is going
to have to find bums
to not sit in those extra seats, isn't it dreadfully
sad, that when some gain,
others lose, Life is really so Unfair!” and she pouted, and it was
Lizzie's turn to console, which she did so perfectly
that when she
sucked Roxy's tongue, and
slid her hand inside Roxy's trousers, her
lover forgot all about chairs and bums on them and gave herself over
to the delights of True Romance!
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