The Fourhundredandeleventh
Once one of the Sir
Clement Danes had given his initial statement to Detective Inspector
Gordon Brevity, who had then passed it to his wife, Sergeant Goldy
Brevity, who had then passed it to her cousin, the intrepid WPC Isa
Urquhart, who had shown it to another cousin, the rather peeved

WPC Gertie Mountcastle, who muttered something that sounded
rather like “he should be dumped in a hole if they can find one big
enough for that hooter of his,” and then said smartly: “the Cave
and Mountain Rescue are standing by with Paramedics, it's just a
question of who goes in first . . . . .” with the unspoken, “please
don't make it be me,” hanging, like an elephant in the room,
between them, but the logical WPC Urquhart said with authority: “we
need one of the soldiers, perhaps Captain Turpin, because he knows
his way about the Cavern; one of the speleologists, maybe Marcella
Rossi, she's been arguing for years that The Eildons are indeed
hollow, as the legends say, but no-one seemed to listen, or back her
pleas for a full geophysical survey, and she's been on a lot of Cave
rescues, and I like her, and in fact her scientific approach may act
as isinglass in helping to clear up some of the confusion of the case
and help us get to the nitty-gritty; a paramedic, Marigold Fantoni is
a doughty lass and tells me she has no fear of enclosed places - when
her wife, Toni, does her Magic Show she gets put in a box and then
vanishes, only to be found sitting in the middle of one of the rows,
eating popcorn – have you met her twin sister? oh, you should,
she's just your type – she's the photographer for the Border
Telegraph, Honeysuckle Horton,
you have, you're
blushing to your roots, you naughty girl, Gertie, okay, say no more;
and an Officer of the Law, which will have to be me, seeing as you've
got a note from your mum, saying you are excused from going into
tight corners ever since you got your head stuck in
a cake tin; at which point Gertie blew up a crisp bag and with
a cavalier disregard for the possible consequebces both for her
person and her career, banged
it between her hands and, as it had been almost full, showered Isa
with crisp crumbs at which
point Gertie ran out of the
briefing room and locked herself in the toilet! but
Isa didn't reprimand her colleague, for she understood how her
doughty cousin had smarted under the Dane's dismissal of her as a
'mere constable' and softly spoke through the bolted door: “come
out, Gertie, the DCI is coming down from Edinburgh to compliment you
for your sharp hearing, catching the refence to DCC Doubleday being
in the caves, especially amid all the fanfare and racket of the
trainspotters trying to climb all over the Flying Scotsman – some
people would have been so distracted by their encounter with
Honeysuckle that they would have missed it; you've proven yourself to
be a dedicated and attentive officer and DCI Bruse wants to thank you
personally,” and she heard Gertie blow her nose and unlock the door
and saw her tearful face peep round it: “he does?” asked Gertie,

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