Sentence The Twohundredandseventysixth
Cristobal Sylvan Ermelyne Dumbiedykes had been named by her Suffragette parents in honour of the leader of the Movement, Emmeline Pankhurst and her two daughters, Christobel and Sylvia: unfortunately, registration of her birth had been the responsibility of her dyslexic father who dismissed the Registrar's attempt to correct his misspellings as Bourgeois Interference with his Civil Liberties and the Inalienable Rights of a Father to name his own Daughter; and so Aunty Crist was
lumbered with what she considered a good enough name for one of sybaritic inclinations, but which gave the majority of those peeps, who found themselves obliged to address her in writing,
considerable difficulty in ensuring the correct 'wrong' spellings, including her nieces and nephew, and particularly Theresa, the author of this piece, who is always particularly. Punctiliously, conscientious,

and, therefore, often gets herself into such a muddle that she finds herself weeping over the keyboard

and wishing her belovedly rugose Aunt could raze the superfluity and simply be called Sally!


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