Sentence The Twohundredandninetythird
“Why, this little chick is like a gift from a Bird's Wedding,” commented Lord Umpherston, as he wrapped his prize in his arms and squashed her against his quivering belly; the girl, affectionately known as Snaw White in the Household, because of her milky albino colouring, smiled up at the great bear of a man who was propelling her towards a pallet, screened by a tapestry depicting The Rape of the Sabine Women; “what an apposite setting, MacFarlane, perfect for me to express my cupidity towards this song-bird,” as he began to harry her with his determination to couple and link
their two bodies with his Cock in her Hen, when a cry from Angus MacAngus caused him to pause: “are ye hidin the sicht o yer Key in her Lock like a thief in the nicht, Man, thon's an awfy autolycan wey tae behave amang freens, rise up, Me Laird an let's aw get a keek at yer Caber afore ye sink it intae thon bonny wee beauty ye've scooped,” and to a cheer from the company, Umpherston pushed the screen aside and placed Snaw White on the pallet, preparatory to giving all and sundry full view of a demonstration of how well the nobility could perform their God-Given droit de seigneur!

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